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$2.00Buy Now
Studying amphibians? Help students learn important amphibian related vocabulary words and definitions while practicing copy work and handwriting (printing – manuscript). This resource include 22 vocabulary words and definitions. (See below description for included words)
$2.50Buy Now
Teach students about amphibians as they read and copy each page of this resource! While practicing handwriting skills copying the manuscript text, students will learn about the following:
- – The meaning of the word ‘amphibian’
- – Habitat
- – Diet
- – Amphibian metamorphasis
- – Regulation of body temperature
- – Defense mechanisms
Each category above is a separate section for a total of 6 copy work lessons! Use alone as science and/or handwriting mini-lessons or as a supplement to a larger unit or curriculum.
$8.00Buy Now
This bundle includes 2 products – BUNDLE & SAVE!
(See description below for details)
$3.00Buy Now
This resource will give you 78 pages of printing / handwriting, letters of the alphabet, printing practice (upper and lower case). Each page will provide students with a visual to show students how to make each stroke of the letter.
- 26 upper case individual letter pages (A, B, C-Z)
- 26 lower case individual letter pages (a, b, c-z)
- 26 upper and lower case individual letter pages (Aa, Bb, Cc – Zz)
$1.75Buy Now
Students will be able to create a cute little book of their very own with this cute download!
* I’m a Little Pumpkin poem page
* Booklet cover pages (1 color and 1 bw)
* Booklet pages (with 2 different line sizes to choose from based on your students abilities). Each page contains 2 lines of copy work and a picture to color (or create)! -
$3.50Buy Now
With this resource, students will learn about George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, money (penny, quarter, $1 and $5 bills), Washington Monument, and the Lincoln Memorial! You’ll find activity pages appropriate for both Literacy and Math centers and there’s even a mini-book for students to create. This unit can be used at any time of the year or around the Presidents’ birthdays in February as well as Presidents Day.
$4.00Buy Now
Help students learn the Easter story by copying scripture! This version of Easter Scriptures Copy Work and Handwriting Practice uses scriptures are from the KJV, King James Version. Students will be provided scriptures to copy as well as well as pages to draw pictures (about the scripture) AND write about (reflect) on the scriptures. There are 41 student pages.
$2.00Buy Now
Provide your students with extra handwriting practice with these Easter themed (bunny and eggs) pages. Students will practice letters, Easter-related words and two simple sentences:
‘The Easter eggs are in the Easter basket” and “The Easter eggs are dyed many colors.”Students will also love coloring the pictures!
$4.00Buy Now
Help students learn the Easter story by copying scripture! This version of Easter Scriptures Copy Work and Handwriting Practice uses scriptures are from the NIV, New International Version. Students will be provided scriptures to copy as well as well as pages to draw pictures (about the scripture) AND write about (reflect) on the scriptures. There are 41 student pages.
$2.00Buy Now
This cross-curricular (Science / Literacy – Writing ) product will have students creating their very own mini-books detailing the life cycle of a frog!
Knowledge students will learn:
The book will begin with the female frog laying her eggs near or in water. Students will then learn about the tadpole, what it looks like and what it eats and how it grows and turns into a froglet. They will learn how the froglet has developed the ability to breathe and live on land and then turns into a frog. Does a frog eat different things than a tadpole? Students will find out! At the end of the unit, there is also a coloring page of the different stages from egg to frog.
Students will: — read the text — draw a picture — write (copy) the written text
$3.00Buy Now
Help young students learn the Easter story through tracing scripture. Both NIV and KJV scriptures are included in this version. This resource, Easter Scriptures Handwriting by Tracing for Young Students, is designed for students who would benefit from ‘tracing’ words instead of copy work. Each page has a scripture for tracing as well a place for the student to draw a picture reflecting the scripture.
$3.00Buy Now
“In fourteen hundred ninety-two
Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
He had three ships and left from Spain;
He sailed through sunshine, wind and rain…”This resource will have students copy the entire poem, 14 pages, 2 lines at a time of the famous Columbus poem, “He Sailed the Ocean Blue.” Designed for 1st-2nd grades.
$3.00Buy Now
Your students will love these ‘frog-themed‘ handwriting worksheets on which they can practice writing letters (upper and lower case). Each letter comes with step by step directions on correct letter formation! Color and BW worksheets included.
$3.00Buy Now
Your students will love these ‘alligator-themed’ handwriting worksheets on which they can practice writing letters (upper and lower case). Each letter comes with step by step directions on correct letter formation!
$1.00Buy Now
Give students practice printing (tracing color words) and coloring (fine motor skills) as they are learning colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.
$2.00Buy Now
This cross-curricular (Science / Literacy – Writing ) product will have students creating their very own mini-books detailing the life cycle of a ladybug!
Knowledge students will learn: The book will begin by identifying a ladybug as a beetle. The students will then learn that the mother ladybug lays tiny yellow eggs in clusters under a leaf and continues as the larva hatches and begins to eat. What do ladybugs eat? Students will find out! They will also learn what the ladybug pupa looks like before attaching itself to a leaf for changes to begin. Finally, an adult ladybug will emerge!
Students will:— read the text — draw a picture — write (copy) the written text