My Teaching Library wants to give you a FREE memory verse resource for you to use with your kids! This FREEBIE will help them learn Psalm 9:1…
I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.
The first worksheet will ask kids to read and write (copy) the verse. Depending on the age of your student(s), you decide if they copy using manuscript or cursive lettering.
The second section provides word cards to cut out and assemble as they memorize the verse. These cards can also be used to self-check as they can be correctly placed and then turned over. As the child says each word, they can turn over each card to ‘check’ their learning!
The last worksheet will ask kids to write down (from memory) the verse.
The resource has been taken from a larger, complete unit…
My Teaching Library offers two versions of this resource: NIV and KJV
The FULL VERSIONS have a section not included in this freebie. It is a vocabulary section. Because many children are not familiar with some words in scripture, this vocabulary sections has been designed to introduce these words and help students learn their meanings. Students are asked to copy each vocabulary word, look up what the word means and then write a definition using their own words. Using their own words is important as it will requires students to give thought to what the word really means instead of just copying down a definition.
See the full units: NIV and KJV
Click here for your FREE Resource!