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5th Grade Math Complete is an 8-unit program that covers all of the important skills and concepts typically covered in 5th grade.
Includes both student and teacher editions!
This resource can be used within a classroom setting, co-op or with individual students. Because it can be used within a group setting, you’ll find many activities for students to complete in pairs of 2. If you are homeschooling multiple children close in age, it would be easy to adapt and teach students together! If you are homeschooling a single child, you can easily adapt these activities through your one-on-one interaction!
Unit 1: Volume
Unit 2: Fractions and Multiplication
Unit 3: Multiplication and Division: Fractions
Unit 4: Multiplication and Division: Multi-Digit Numbers
Units 5 & 6: Place Value/Decimal Operations
Unit 7: Shapes / Coordinate Plane
Unit 8: Full year review