There are a total 183 pages of words and definitions.
Sample words: cavort, cogent, deleterious, insidious, insipid, phlegmatic, recalcitrant, serendipity, subjugate, tenable.
Use this resource to create lessons or hand out to students to give them a resource to prepare for a standardized test, SAT, ACT or simply to expand their vocabulary! This resource includes 1000 words and lists the part(s) of speech for each as well as the definitions. If a word can be used as more than one part of speech, a definition is given for both.
There are a total 183 pages of words and definitions.
Sample words: cavort, cogent, deleterious, insidious, insipid, phlegmatic, recalcitrant, serendipity, subjugate, tenable.
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This resource, Geometry Classroom Posters, includes 21 term / definition / formula posters.
See more details in the description below!
Use these 3 Vocabulary Word Map templates to aid your students in their study of individual words. Each word map will ask the students to write the word, the definition, what each is like (give synonyms, or adjectives – descriptors) and examples.
There are also blank lines under each word map. You can have students use these lines for a variety of things…such as using the word in a sentence or adding prefixes and suffixes!
121 Math Posters – Each displaying a math term and explanation!
Designed for 4th – 12th Grades
This resource, Presidents Day Vocabulary FUN, includes 27 words appropriate for 3rd-5th graders. Students will be asked to define and use each word as well as completing several fun activity pages for the words. Perfect to use as a cross-curricular unit for both Language Arts and Social Studies / History!
Here is a short sample of some of the included words:
advice, citizen, counsel, dream, earnest, freedom, ideal, reform, patriot, trait
Activity pages include:
— Answer Keys Included —
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