- amphibian
- anura
- apoda
- aquatic
- arboreal
- caudata
- ectothermic
- endoskeleton
- estivation
- gills
- herpetology
- hibernation
- Jacobson’s organ
- metamorphosis
- mucous
- oviparous
- parotid gland
- spawn
- species
- terrestrial
- urodela
- vertebrate
Studying amphibians? Help students learn important amphibian related vocabulary words and definitions while practicing copy work and handwriting (printing – manuscript). This resource include 22 vocabulary words and definitions. (See below description for included words)
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We have now combined all 220 Dolch sight words into one bundle! So, with this purchase, you’ll not only get the 2nd grade Dolch sight words but all 220 words: Pre-Primer, Primer, 1st grade, 2nd grade and 3rd grade.
Dolch Sight Words have been found to be the most frequently used words in reading and writing. They include pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and verbs that are difficult to sound out and are best learned by sight and repetition. By learning and practicing these words, children will enhance their reading skills and build confidence while doing so.
Looking for fun Winter Math activities? Check out my Snowman Graphing for 2nd and 3rd Grades unit. Your students will have fun creating unique ‘dressed’ snowmen.
May be used with a single student or an entire class (SEE DIRECTIONS BELOW). This has been created for 2nd and 3rd grades, however with a little adult help, younger students enjoy this fun activity and as they are introduced to bar graphing.
Students will be given a grid map and key of a small town and asked several questions requiring them read and navigate throughout the map. There are also two additional activities to extend learning (through writing and creative design). Answer Key included.
A 17-page coloring book all about tools! The first three pages will have all the tools displayed and separated by the titles, “Dad’s Tools”, “Mom’s Tools, and “Tools for Work”. Each individual tool will be found on two pages, one with the name of the tool and the other is unnamed.
Tools include:
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