- amphibian
- anura
- apoda
- aquatic
- arboreal
- caudata
- ectothermic
- endoskeleton
- estivation
- gills
- herpetology
- hibernation
- Jacobson’s organ
- metamorphosis
- mucous
- oviparous
- parotid gland
- spawn
- species
- terrestrial
- urodela
- vertebrate
Studying amphibians? Help students learn important amphibian related vocabulary words and definitions while practicing copy work and handwriting (printing – manuscript). This resource include 22 vocabulary words and definitions. (See below description for included words)
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Students will love this creative project. This cross-curricular, Language Arts & Social Studies resource will give students templates to create two U.S. President flip books – one for George Washington and one for Abraham Lincoln. A great February activity around Presidents’ Day or when discussing Washington and/or Lincoln’s birthdays.
This can be used for 1st, 2nd or 3rd Grades. For younger students, you can opt to give them facts for each president and allow them to choose which ones to write in the books. For older students, you can also choose to have students read a passage that you already have or to do a little research on their own to find facts. Students should write at least 5 facts on each flip book as each will have 5 pages.
Help students practice their money recognition skills while having fun with this “Go Fish” card game! * Gamified learning *
Money Cards include: penny, nickel, dime, quarter, half dollar, dollar, five-dollar bill, ten-dollar bill, twenty-dollar bill, fifty-dollar bill.
For younger students, you can use only the picture cards if appropriate and have them match picture with picture. For older students, have them match the picture with the correct matching naming cards.
Here is a quick and easy, one page reference which lists all of the Dolch sight words for: Pre-primer, Primer, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades.
Looking for fun Winter Math activities? Check out my Snowman Graphing for 2nd and 3rd Grades unit. Your students will have fun creating unique ‘dressed’ snowmen.
May be used with a single student or an entire class (SEE DIRECTIONS BELOW). This has been created for 2nd and 3rd grades, however with a little adult help, younger students enjoy this fun activity and as they are introduced to bar graphing.
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