
Amusements in Mathematics


This is a downloadable copy of the book. (640 pages)
About the book: 430 puzzles (answers provided), problems, paradoxes, and brain-teasers presented by a master of mathematical ingenuity.Virtually every sort of mathematical or logical poser is included in this extraordinary collection — problems concerning the manipulation of numbers; unicursal and route problems; moving counter puzzles; locomotion and speed problems; measuring, weighing, and packing problems; clock puzzles; combination and group problems. (See more in description below)

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Greek Cross puzzles, problems involving the dissection or superimposition of plane figures, points and lines problems, joiner’s problems, and crossing river problems severely test the geometrical and topological imagination. Chessboard problems, involving the dissection of the board or the placement or movement of pieces, age and kinship problems, algebraical and numerical problems, magic squares and strips, mazes, puzzle games, and problems concerning games will give you an unparalleled opportunity to exercise your logical, as well as your mathematical agility.

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