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Mushroom worksheets designed for students to draw and write the common name of 23 given species. Perfect for any Science or Biology classroom studying fungi!
There are 6 worksheets (5 with 4 named species and 1 with 3). On each worksheets, students are to write the common name of the given species and draw a picture.
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A rubric allows teachers to communicate expectations for an assignment by listing the criteria, or what counts, and describing levels of quality expected. This notebooking rubric should have the ‘points possible’ listed when the assignment is given and any other details you expect. Give this information to the students at the beginning of the assignment and then complete the rubric after the assignment is complete.
Easy to use, print and go, insect note cards for your students to use! Perfect for any Science / Biology classroom studying insects (entomology). This is a set of 4 note cards. On each, students will draw and name the insect as well as listing where the insect lives, what it eats and one interesting fact.
Studying bats? Here is a resource that will allow students to create a beautiful project that will show off what they’ve learned. This 70 page project unit can be used as a fully contained project resource (with no needed outside information required) or can be a launch for a full-blown research project using additional resources and includes:
Sojourner Truth was an African-American abolitionist and women’s rights activist. Truth was born into slavery but escaped with her infant daughter to freedom in 1826. After going to court to recover her son in 1828, she became the first black woman to win such a case against a white man.
If you are looking for a student centered resource to help students learn and practice research skills, report writing skills, project skills, presentation skills and more. Use it within a Language Arts classroom or a Social Studies / U.S. History classroom. Very flexible and cross-curricular!
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