
My Pumpkin Lapbook


This interactive unit for students will allow them to create a cute LAPBOOK about PUMPKINS! Great to use anytime, especially in October or November during the Fall Holidays.

See description below for more details on this resource AND suggested uses.

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Includes vocabulary, vocabulary cards, life cycle, parts of a pumpkin, pumpkin book templates to answer questions such as “Native American uses for pumpkin”, “Nutritional value of pumpkins” and more. Also included: Explanation / Instructions for lapbooking.

*** Great project to use in teaching valuable research and reporting skills! ***

Suggested uses:

  • Create a Language Arts / Science project center for Autumn, or around pumpkins. Have students use center time to work on their individual lapbooks. (This can be a cooperative group project as well!)
  • Use the resource as a tool to ‘teach students how to complete a project‘.

To aid your students in this project, provide a wide variety of reading material centered around pumpkins (life cycle, uses of, etc.)


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