Templates include:
- Cover page
- Spring looks like…
- Spring is scary when…
- Spring is happy when
- The best part about spring is…
- Spring is when you feel…
- Spring is like…
- Spring is when you see…
This resource, Shape Book – Spring is…, will provide your students with a canvas to express their thoughts and ideas about Spring while creating an adorable, keepsake book. Also, imagine the Spring Bulletin Board that can be created displaying student work!
There are 8 flower templates included PLUS instructions for students to guide them. (See description below for details)
Templates include:
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Workbook filled with Kindergarten skills – Over 200 pages.
This Monthly Writing Prompts Journal is for the month of November and has been designed to help students think, create and express their own ideas and opinions on a variety of topics.
There is a separate journal page for each day of the month that provides students with writing prompt. Some prompts a light-hearted while others are designed to make students critically think about issues, values, etc.
This Benjamin Franklin shape book includes a cover and several templates on which students can write. Students can use to self-publish a story about Franklin, a report or even a poem!
Templates have been created with differing line width so it can be utilized by a variety of levels.
This Winter Reading and Writing resource (with a “Read it! Draw it! Write it!” section) covers a variety of vital Language Arts skills! Perfect to use in December, January, February and into March!
Vocabulary Words in this Winter Unit: window, snow, outside, door, pants, sweater, coat, boots, hat, scarf, mittens, five, snowball, snowangel, snowman, sled, hill, roll
“Read it! Draw it! Write it!” pages have been designed to engage students in an active reading. Students can use the symbols to help guide them on each page. On the “Write it!” portions, students are to copy the passage they just read. However, more advanced students may want to add to the story!
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