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This Math center resource has a St. Patrick’s Day theme and provide students practice with addition, subtraction, early multiplication/division, time, money, shape recognition, number patterns skills! Includes: 64 task cards, Math Center sign, student worksheet and an answer key. Tasks center around 1st and early 2nd grade skills.
** Critical thinking skills will definitely be used! **
Additional March Math resources you’ll love…
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March Math Skills Review for 2nd-3rd Grades is a NO PREP, St. Patrick’s Day themed workbook and is packed full of engaging activities to keep kids learning and reviewing skills during the month of March!
With this resource, you can create a CVC word flip book on which students can create over 150 words!
This resource is perfect for any student whether they are just learning to sound out CVC words or they need a little practice.
Here are 3 analogy worksheets with a St. Patrick’s Day theme to get students to think critically! What is an analogy? An analogy is a comparison between two things, comparing two things which are comparable in significant respects.
Here is an example of the type of analogies that are included…
Halloween : Orange
St. Patrick’s Day: _____
These are multiple choice worksheets. Answer keys included.
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