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$5.25Buy Now
Telling time is an important Math skill to learn in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Grades. This math unit will give you everything you need to teach this skill! This resource includes:
– 5 Posters
– 84 Student Pages (See detailed description below)
– Answer Keys -
$2.50Buy Now
Hands-on activities and worksheets designed for 2nd grade students learning measurement skills such as using a variety of measurement tools (ruler, yardstick, meter stick and tape measure), finding two different measurements for objects (inches and centimeters), estimating measurements, and solving measurement word problems (with bonus if converting inches to feet and inches).
$3.50Buy Now
Hands-on activities and worksheets designed for students learning measurement skills such as:
- – Reading a ruler and using to measure objects (inches and centimeters)
- – Determining the best measurements (inches, feet, yards, miles / ounce, pounds / centimeter, meter, kilometer)
- – Tools of measurement
- – Reading a measuring cup
- – Comparing objects that have been measured
$1.75Buy Now
This set of no prep, 10 worksheets will give students the practice they need to compare three digit numbers. Students will be asked to use greater than, less than or an equal sign (<, > or =) for each pair of numbers. Each worksheet includes 30 number pairs to compare. Answer keys are included.
$3.50Buy Now
This resource will give students the opportunity to:
- – Display their understanding that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones; e.g., 706 equals 7 hundreds, 0 tens, and 6 ones by converting numbers to expanded form as well as full expanded form (numbers to 1000)
- – Show their ability to skip count by 5s, 10s, and 100s (numbers to 1000)
- – Read and write numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals, number names, expanded form and full expanded form
This resource includes 45 worksheets plus answer keys:
- 5 Worksheets by 5s – Counting up
- 5 Worksheets by 5s – Counting down
- 5 Worksheets by 10s – Counting up
- 5 Worksheets by 10s – Counting down
- 3 Worksheets by 100s – Counting up
- 2 Worksheets by 100s – Counting both up and down
- 5 Worksheets – Given words to covert to standard form
- 5 Worksheets – Given standard form to covert to words
- 5 Worksheets – Given expanded form to covert to standard
- 5 Worksheets – Given standard form to convert to full expanded notation
$3.25Buy Now
Help students learn to identify place value with this math resource! With 22 progressive student pages, students’ skill and understanding will increase.
The unit begins with students visually counting ‘ones’, then ‘tens’, then ‘hundreds’ using number blocks. Next, they proceed to identifying the place value of given numbers, beginning with 2 digit numbers (identifying ones and tens), then 3 digits (identifying ones, tens and hundreds) and finally 4 digits (identifying ones, tens, hundreds and thousands).
Perfect for use with multiple ages / grades or for differentiation. (Grades: 1st. 2nd and 3rd)
$3.00Buy Now
Give students the practice they need to identify even and odd numbers! This resource includes 18 worksheets that progressively include higher numbers to really help students solidify their understanding.
- – 4 worksheets (#’s to 20) w/ pictures: Students are to count and write how many, then create pairs (to determine if the number is even or odd) and then will circle even or odd.
- – 3 worksheets (#’s to 20) for students to identify odd numbers (given a sets of 6 numbers, they will circle every odd number)
- – 3 worksheets (#’s to 20) for students to identify even numbers (given a sets of 6 numbers, they will circle every even number)
- – 2 worksheets (#’s to 20) for students to identify both even and odd numbers (given a sets of 4 numbers, they will circle every even or odd number based on instructions given)
- – 4 worksheets (#’s to 50) for students to identify both even and odd numbers (given a sets of 4 numbers, they will circle every even or odd number based on instructions given)
- – 2 worksheets (#’s to 120) for students to identify both even and odd numbers (given a sets of 3 numbers, they will circle every even or odd number based on instructions given)
- – Answer Keys
Although 2nd grade skills require that students can identify even and odd numbers through 20, it is easy for them to go beyond twenty using this resource and the concepts they learn! Perfect to pair with Math Posters | Even – Odd Numbers
- – 4 worksheets (#’s to 20) w/ pictures: Students are to count and write how many, then create pairs (to determine if the number is even or odd) and then will circle even or odd.
$2.25Buy Now
Teaching students how to identify even and odd numbers? Here is a set of 12 posters (6 different sets of 2) that will be a great addition to your classroom decor.
$3.25Buy Now
Give students the practice they need to solve two-step addition and subtraction problems with these worksheets! Includes 20 worksheets plus answer keys in all. Here is what is included:
- – 10 two-step addition and subtraction problems using numbers up to 50
- – 10 two-step addition and subtraction problems using numbers up to 100
- – Answer keys
Each worksheet has 6 problems for students to solve plus asks students to show their work. They can use drawings and/or equations to explain their reasoning and understanding.
$1.25Buy Now
Help students understand an addition math array as repeated addition with these two colorful classroom posters! Great for visual learners.
$2.25Buy Now
An array is a group of objects arranged in rows and columns. We can use arrays to show repeated addition! This resource provides 6 worksheets for students to practice repeated addition through math arrays. Includes answer keys.
Add these posters to your study: Math Posters | Addition Arrays
$2.25Buy Now
Ten worksheets for students to practice adding and subtracting using visual blocks (with sums and minuends to 20).
- – 5 addition worksheets each including 12 problems to solve with visual blocks plus one addition problem for students to solve without blocks. For this final problem, students are asked to draw blocks to show their understanding.
- – 5 subtraction worksheets each including 12 problems to solve with visual blocks plus one subtraction problem where students are to label the minuend and the subtrahend.
- – Answer keys
$94.74Original price was: $94.74.$40.00Current price is: $40.00.Need a full year of 1st grade Math resources? Look no further! This Math Skills Mega Bundle includes 34 complete resources (934 pages) to help students master 1st grade skills and concepts! This bundle includes manipulatives, templates, posters, flashcards, interactive activities, and worksheets. See the description below for a list of ALL of the resources included.
$3.50Buy Now
Help first graders get the practice they need telling time (to the hour, half hour and quarter hour) with these Math worksheets! First graders should learn to tell time to the hour and half hour, however this resource also includes worksheets to the quarter hour for those that are ready to move a little ahead.
The resource is divided into three sets: By the Hour / By the Half Hour / By the Quarter Hour
Each set includes 10 worksheets: 5 worksheets for students to read a clock and write the time and 5 worksheets that give the time and students are to draw hands on a clock to represent that time.
30 worksheets in all – Answer keys are provided.
$3.50Buy Now
Give students the practice they need to truly understand converting numbers (to 120) from standard numbers to number words, number words to standard numbers, as well as to be able to show they understand what the place value of each digit in a standard number represents. These math skills need repeated practice to help students master these skills and this product includes 30 student pages to give them this practice! This product has also some worksheets with answer banks and some without. This will allow for differentiation if needed or to use at various times along the students’ learning journey.
What you get:
- – 5 worksheets: Students given standard numbers and must write the number words (w/ answer bank)
- – 5 worksheets: Students given standard numbers and must write the number words (no answer bank)
- – 5 worksheets: Students given number words and must write the standard number of each (w/ answer bank)
- – 5 worksheets: Students given number words and must write the standard number of each (no answer bank)
- – 5 worksheets: Students are given a set of numbers and place values of each and students must write the standard number that is represented (example: Given 9 tens + 2 ones / Students are to write 92)
- – 5 worksheets: Students are give a standard number and must breakdown and write the place values of each digit (example: Give 85 / Students are to write 8 tens 5 ones)
- – Answer Keys
$3.50Buy Now
With this Math resource, students will learn and practice identifying fractions: halves, thirds and fourths! Students will learn that fractions are created when one whole is divided into equal parts with given examples. Students will then be asked to demonstrate learning by:
- – Identify and distinguish between when one whole has been divided into ‘equal’ parts vs those that have ‘unequal’ parts
- – Identify and distinguish specific fractional parts of a whole when given a specific fraction to identify
- – Distinguish one fraction from another fraction using pictures showing whole objects divided into differing equal parts
- – Choose the correct fraction displayed for each picture given
$3.50Buy Now
Teach students the names and attributes of ten 3D shapes. Students will also be asked to distinguish between 2D and 3D shapes with this resource! Shapes include the cube, sphere, cone, rectangular prism, triangular prism, hexagonal prism, pentagonal prism, pyramid, cylinder, hemisphere
What you get in the resource:
- – 5 worksheets asking students to distinguish between 2D and 3D shapes
- – 5 worksheets teaching students the names of 3D shapes. Students will also write the names
- – 5 worksheets on which students will be given the names and 3D shapes and asked to draw each
- – 2 worksheets asking students to identify an attribute (faces)
- – 2 worksheets asking students to identify an attribute (corner / vertices)
- – 2 worksheets asking students to identify an attribute (edges)
- – 4 worksheets where students will match 3D shapes with their names
- – Answer Keys
$3.00Buy Now
These 18 worksheets are designed to help students learn and identify 2D shapes. Students will trace the shapes, trace and write the names of the shapes, identify attributes (corners or no corners) of the shapes as well as identifying the shapes. Shapes include: square, circle, triangle, rhombus, trapezoid, hexagon, pentagon, octagon, rectangle and oval
4 Sets:
- – 3 Identifying attributes worksheets
- – 6 Tracing the shape and name plus writing the name worksheets
- – 5 Tracing the shape and matching each with its name
- – 4 Tracing the shape and writing the names from a given word bank
Answer Keys provided.
$2.50Buy Now
These worksheets will give students practice comparing the height, weight and length of given animals, an important 1st grade Math skill! This workbook includes 10 students worksheets plus answer keys. Each worksheet displays pictures of animals throughout the world and from differing habitats! This can not only peak student interest but you can also extend lessons by talking about the animals and where they may be found.
What you get:
- – 2 worksheets identifying / comparing shortest or tallest
- – 1 worksheet identifying / comparing shortest to tallest
- – 2 worksheets identifying visual height
- – 1 worksheet identifying visual length
- – 2 worksheets identifying / comparing weight – less
- – 2 worksheets identifying / comparing weight – more
- – Answer Keys
$1.50Buy Now
Give students practice adding and subtracting 10 (numbers 0 to 100) with these 5 worksheets. The product has 2 sets of worksheets plus answer keys.
Set 1: 3 worksheets for students to add 10 to a given number (given number plus next 4 numbers adding 10) – 5 problems each
Set 2: 2 worksheets for students to add or subtract ten. Students are given 5 boxes for each problem. 2 of the 5 boxes contain numbers and students are to add or subtract 10 given the sequence they are given. Each problem will only ask students to add or subtract.