- amphibian
- anura
- apoda
- aquatic
- arboreal
- caudata
- ectothermic
- endoskeleton
- estivation
- gills
- herpetology
- hibernation
- Jacobson’s organ
- metamorphosis
- mucous
- oviparous
- parotid gland
- spawn
- species
- terrestrial
- urodela
- vertebrate
Studying amphibians? Help students learn important amphibian related vocabulary words and definitions while practicing copy work and handwriting (cursive). This resource include 22 vocabulary words and definitions. (See below description for included words)
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Here are 59 Spring vocabulary word cards to use on a word (vocabulary) wall, place in a writing center or use as flash cards. These words can be a springboard to numerous learning activities!
Ideas on how to use words in this resource:
– Write definitions and sentences using each word.
– Create a short story using as many words as they can.
– Choose 3-5 words and create a fun Haiku poem using the words.
– Create a Spring shape poem using as many words as they can.
– Create their own word search puzzle or crossword puzzle using 10 or more of the words.
– Create a Science based report on Spring using as many words as they can.
– Create a ‘newspaper’ report about Spring using as many words as they can.
…and don’t let the creativity stop there!
Studying penguins or perhaps animals of the arctic? Here is a ready-to-use resource for students to publish stories, reports or poems about penguins.
You’ll find pages with both dotted-dashed lines as well as single lines so that you can use what best fits the level of your students.
Three classroom posters to display to help students learning to recognize / identify three Math signs:
Students will enjoy creating their own Christopher Columbus mini-book with this resource! After learning about Columbus (through their own curriculum, reading, watching a video or research), they can use these pages to create a story, report or poem about Columbus.
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