Includes 3 worksheets for young students who are just beginning to learn the concept of fractions.
Includes 3 worksheets for young students who are just beginning to learn the concept of fractions.
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10 Worksheets on place value (ones, tens, hundreds).
Pictures are displayed using base 10 blocks.
Students will learn both the history and math of roman numerals as they create a lasting project. Students are given informational text (a brief history) of this numerical system as well as an explanation of the numbers and how they are used (counted – will require students to ‘identify’ given numbers – i.e. CDLX). Students will also learn how roman numerals are used now in every day life.
This resource has a variety of activities to keep your students busy practicing and reinforcing learned Math Skills during the month of January!
Christmas Tree Factoring has been designed for use during the month of December to provide students with holiday themed worksheets to reinforce (or test) their Math factoring skills! Includes 10 student pages plus an answer key.
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