Looking for additional practice? Check out these resources…
Wanting your students to learn and practice cursive handwriting? This resource is for you!
Designed for 2nd-3rd grade students (but can be used by anyone), this resource includes:
Looking for additional practice? Check out these resources…
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Memorization and copy work of scriptures about giving thanks is what this resource has been designed for…and perfect to use during the month of November and around Thanksgiving! This version has 2 pages per verse so that you can choose which best fits each student:
10 scriptures have been selected using both the Old Testament and New Testament.
Teaching the names of the days of the week?
Need large calendar (names of the days) cards for display?
Teaching students how to spell the days of the week?
Whatever you are needing, these ‘Days of the Week’ word cards will be the perfect resource! Each word card measures approximately 7.5″ x 2″. Use as flash cards, labels, or for bulletin boards and word walls!
Memorization and copy work of bible verses about giving thanks and having gratitude. Ready to print-and-use with multiple levels!
Includes 15 Verses. Each verse has 4 pages:
– Manuscript copy work plus a drawing section
– Cursive copy work (with dashed center lines) plus a drawing section
– Cursive copy work (solid lines) plus a drawing section
– Writing page for students to write the verse from memory and then write a short paragraph.
Can be used for an entire semester of work…1 section/verse a week.
Your students will love these ‘frog-themed‘ handwriting worksheets on which they can practice writing letters (upper and lower case). Each letter comes with step by step directions on correct letter formation! Color and BW worksheets included.
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