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Students love to draw? Here are step by step instructions on how to draw these flowers:
evening primrose, buttercup, iris, pansy, black-eyed Susan, poppy, daisy, aster, Easter lily, morning glory, orchid, petunia, red lily, hollyhock, bluebell, bird of paradise, gloxinia, crocus, jack-in-the-pulpit, lily of the valley, tulip, rose, violet, daffodil, water lily, sunflower, poinsettia, forget-me-not, carnation, zinnia
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Set of three mushroom posters for the classroom showing 23 different species. Perfect for any Science or Biology class studying fungi!
Studying the state of Wisconsin? Perhaps doing a unit on Ornithology? This project-based unit is designed to help students study and record information about Wisconsin’s state bird – the American Robin! To learn more, see details below or you can preview a similar product here.
Students love to draw? Here are step by step instructions on how to draw these baby animals:
– foal (horse)
– calf (cow)
– puppy (dog)
– piglet (pig)
– kid (goat)
– kitten (cat)
– bunny (rabbit)
– chick (chicken)
This cross-curricular resource will inform and assess students’ understanding of the basic process of photosynthesis. Includes both close reading and a cloze activity.
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