AM or PM | 2nd Grade - Telling timeAM or PM | 2nd Grade - Telling time

AM or PM | 2nd Grade


Help students reinforce their knowledge of a.m. and p.m. when telling time with these practice worksheets!

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There are 4 worksheets (plus answer keys):

  • #1 – Will remind students that AM means before 12 noon and PM means after 12 non. Students will then be asked to draw hands on clocks and write a.m. or p.m. based on given situations.
  • #2 – Students will write a.m. or p.m. based on times and situations given.
  • #3 – Student will write a.m. or p.m. based on situations alone.
  • #4 – Based on their lives, students will draw hands on a clock and write a.m. or p.m. for various tasks and activities that occur throughout each of their days.


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