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This cross-curricular (Science / Literacy – Writing ) product will have students creating their very own mini-books detailing the life cycle of a frog!
Knowledge students will learn:
The book will begin with the female frog laying her eggs near or in water. Students will then learn about the tadpole, what it looks like and what it eats and how it grows and turns into a froglet. They will learn how the froglet has developed the ability to breathe and live on land and then turns into a frog. Does a frog eat different things than a tadpole? Students will find out! At the end of the unit, there is also a coloring page of the different stages from egg to frog.
Students will: — read the text — draw a picture — write (copy) the written text
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This phonics chart will give students a visual aid to help them remember the long vowel sounds!
Help students get creative! This resource gives students the templates to make several different types of pumpkin shape books. Students can self-publish stories, poems and reports using this resource. Can be used for multiple subjects.
Suggestions for use:
Here are 36 positive, growth mindset posters for your classroom. Use several throughout the year, place them throughout your classroom, or use just one a week for a focused growth mindset ‘thought’ for the week. If you use as a thought for the week, you can create a mini-lesson to go along with each by having students write a journal entry about the quote.
A U.S.A. state flowers coloring book that students will truly enjoy. Students will color each state flower and have the opportunity to write about each.
Each page has a large state flower to color + the state name. Also included: 2 notebooking / report pages for students to use (optional) so they can write a little about each flower. Whether you are studying each state or simply want to provide some coloring fun with an educational twist to your day, students will enjoy this resource!
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