
Soldier Life in the Army of Northern Virginia


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About the book: This Civil War classic of soldiering in the ranks debunks all the romantic notions of war. Like his Northern counterpart, the Confederate soldier fought against bullets, starvation, miserable conditions, disease, and mental strain. But the experience was perhaps even worse for Johnny Reb because of the odds against him. Never as well equipped and provisioned as the Yankee, he nevertheless performed heroically.

About the Author: Carlton McCarthy (1847–1936) was the mayor of Richmond Virginia from 1904 to 1908. Prior to this, he served as a soldier in the Confederate Army. He fought in local armies but was not formally enlisted private until 1864 in the Richmond Howitzers of the Army of Northern Virginia. He wrote a book about his four years of Civil War experience called Detailed Minutiae of Soldier Life in the Army of Northern Virginia 1861-1865.

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