
Five Little Peppers and How They Grew (Sidney)


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About the book: The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew tells how the Peppers live, learn, and play in their little brown house. They are poor, and Mamsie must work constantly to keep the wolf from the door, but their lives are unexpectedly happy. They make do with whatever they have and the older children help the younger ones. They bear bad times as best they can and make the most of the good times.

About the Author:  Harriett Lothrop was an American author also known by her pseudonym Margaret Sidney (June 22, 1844 – August 2, 1924). In addition to writing popular children’s stories, she ran her husband Daniel Lothrop’s publishing company after his death. After they bought The Wayside country house, they worked hard to make it a center of literary life.

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