Showing 41–60 of 661 resultsSorted by latest
$1.25Buy Now
Studying fossils? With this fun activity, students will create a variety of ‘fossils’ while learning how to make observations, inferences and how to distinguish between the two!
Includes- Student and teacher pages:
– Student “how to” activity pages
– Student data worksheet
– Student critical thinking worksheet
– Teacher pages and answer keys -
$1.75Buy Now
This elementary resource is designed to teach students about fossils. In this ‘Copy and Learn’ product, students will learn what fossils are made of, two types of fossils (body and trace) and how they form.
Included: 6 Copy and Learn pages and 1 fossils photo page. -
$2.00Buy Now
In this resource, students will learn about living things, (plants and animals) and what they need to survive within their habitats. Students will investigate the dependence of plants on air, water, nutrients, and light. They will also learn about pollination and how many plants depend on animals for pollination and the dispersal of seeds. Students will learn about various animal habitats and how some animals change with the seasons.
This resource includes both student and teacher materials.
Number of Lessons – Depending on how you divide up and teach lesson segments, there will be 12 to 20 lessons of 30-45 minutes each. Science video links are included in the teacher materials.
$2.00Buy Now
This unit introduces students to the concept of division and its relationship to multiplication. Previously, students learned that multiplication can be understood in terms of equal-size groups. The expression 5 x 2 can represent the total number of objects when there are 5 groups of 2 objects, or when there are 2 groups of 5 objects. Here, students make sense of division also in terms of equal-size groups. For instance, the expression 30 ÷ 5 can represent putting 30 objects into 5 equal groups or putting 30 objects into groups of 5. They see that, in general, dividing can mean finding the size of each group, or finding the number of equal groups. Students use the relationship between multiplication and division to develop fluency with single-digit multiplication and division facts.
This resource includes both student and teacher materials.
Number of Lessons: 21 and 1 optional
Lesson Time: Approximately 60 minutes. Please note that each lesson is designed for one instructional block and may be divided into shorter or longer segments based on teacher pacing and student needs.
$2.00Buy Now
In this unit, student work toward the goal of fluently adding and subtracting within 1,000. They will use mental strategies as well as learn algorithms based on place value. By the end of this unit, students will also use rounding to estimate answers to two-step problems and determine if answers are reasonable.
This resource includes both student and teacher materials.
Number of Lessons: 20 and 1 optional
Lesson Time: Approximately 60 minutes. Please note that each lesson is designed for one instructional block, and may be divided into shorter or longer segments based on teacher pacing and student needs.See description below for more details.
$2.00Buy Now
This unit is designed to build on unit 1 as student explore the concept of area and relate the area of rectangles to multiplication as well as solving area problems. Students also learn some standard unit of area such as square inches, square centimeters, square feet and square meters as they solve real-world problems! By the end of the unit, students find the area and missing side lengths of figures composed on non-overlapping rectangles.
This resource includes both student and teacher materials.
Number of Lessons: 13 and 2 optional
Lesson Time: Approximately 60 minutes. Please note that each lesson is designed for one instructional block, and may be divided into shorter or longer segments based on teacher pacing and student needs.
View a short preview video hereSee description below for more details.
$2.00Buy Now
This unit is designed to help students learn multiplication by gaining an understanding through the use of picture and bar graphs. Material is presented so that students learn multiplication means finding the total number of objects in groups of objects and can be represented by a x b. Students will work with arrays to learn and understand multiplication expressions before beginning to write the equations. By the end of the unit, problems with a missing factor offers the student a preview to division.
This resource includes both student and teacher materials.
Number of Lessons: 20 and 1 optional
Lesson Time: Approximately 60 minutes. Please note that each lesson is designed for one instructional block, and may be divided into shorter or longer segments based on teacher pacing and student needs.
View a short preview video hereSee description below for more details.
$1.50Buy Now
Two worksheets that will give students practice changing singular nouns to plural nouns. Each worksheet has 30 nouns to change, plus students are asked to choose two of the new plural nouns to use within a sentence.
Related resources:
$1.75Buy Now
A group of four worksheets designed for students to practice identifying and using common nouns.
Related resources:
– Noun Classroom Poster Set
– 93 Dolch Common Noun Sight Words -
$2.25Buy Now
Give students a list of over 90 common nouns that are Dolch sight words with this resource! Ideas for use:
- Create a word wall
- Display in a writing center
- Place words in a box and have students draw out a given number of words and use within their writing
- Have students create a quick, reference booklet to study and use when writing
- Use as spelling words for several weeks
- Give students several words (cut out) and have them place in alphabetical order
- Ask students to use these common nouns to create proper nouns
$5.50Buy Now
In this extended, interactive unit, students will learn all about scientists, what they do, the tools they use and science safety.
This is a LARGE unit. See description below for all that is included! Can be used as a notebooking unit.
$3.00Buy Now
An engaging science unit teaching students about the properties of matter through hands-on and thought-provoking activities!
- Lesson 1: Matter (Define)
- Lesson 2: Solid, Liquid, Gas
- Lesson 3: Liquid Experiment
- Lesson 4: Solid Experiment
- Lesson 5: Gas Experiment
- Lesson 6: Liquid to Solid
- Lesson 7: Liquid to Gas
- Lesson 8: Irreversible Change
- Lesson 9: Reversible Change
- Lesson 10: Disassemble Change
$1.25Buy Now
Two worksheets (with answer keys) to give students the opportunity to learn about and demonstrate their knowledge of words with the prefixes “in-“ and “non-“. Students will identify words with the prefix and give their meanings. Students will also demonstrate their ability to use those words within a written paragraph.
Words used in this resource:
nonfiction, nonaquatic, nonsense, nonverbal, nonstick, inconsiderate, incorrect, inactive, independent, invisible -
This fun, FREE picture graph is designed to give students practice in finding and plotting coordinates! With a theme of the USA and the American flag, it is perfect to use when studying the U.S. states, government and the flag. You can also use it during American holidays such as Memorial Day and/or the 4th of July!
This is STEM activity for both Math, and Geography.
$1.25Buy Now
Two worksheets (with answer keys) to give students the opportunity to learn about and demonstrate their knowledge of words with the prefixes “over-“ and “en-“. Students will identify words with the prefix and give their meanings. Students will also demonstrate their ability to use those words within a written paragraph.
Words used in this resource:
overeat, overflow, overreact(ed), overstay, overgrown, overload, encourage, endangering, enraged, enable, enrich, enjoy, entrap -
$1.25Buy Now
Two worksheets (with answer keys) to give students the opportunity to learn about and demonstrate their knowledge of words with the prefix “dis-“. Students will identify words with the prefix and give their meanings. Students will also demonstrate their ability to use those words within a written paragraph.
$1.25Buy Now
Two worksheets (with answer keys) to give students the opportunity to learn about and demonstrate their knowledge of words with the prefix “pre-“. Students will identify words with the prefix and give their meanings. Students will also demonstrate their ability to use those words within a written paragraph.
$1.25Buy Now
Two worksheets (with answer keys) to give students the opportunity to learn about and demonstrate their knowledge of words with the prefix “mis-“. Students will identify words with the prefix and give their meanings. Students will also demonstrate their ability to use those words within a written paragraph.
$1.25Buy Now
Two worksheets (with answer keys) to give students the opportunity to learn about and demonstrate their knowledge of words with the prefix “un-“. Students will identify words with the prefix and give their meanings. Students will also demonstrate their ability to use those words within a written paragraph.
$1.25Buy Now
Two worksheets (with answer keys) to give students the opportunity to learn about the prefix “re-“. Students will identify words with the prefix and give their meanings. Students will also demonstrate their ability to use those words within a written paragraph.