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Showing 1–20 of 47 resultsSorted by latest
$20.00Buy Now
An easy-to-understand, comprehensive High School Grammar curriculum that takes an in-depth look at grammar terms and concepts. You’ll find practice exercises at the end of each chapter to help students test and correct their comprehension. No teacher guide needed. Answer Keys included!
$10.00Buy Now
Student will encounter a comprehensive collection of American Literature from 1865 to the present and includes over seventy-five short stories, poems, and novel selections that encompass the distinct writing styles of the writers and eras. The text takes students on an academic journey from the period of Late Romanticism to Modernism and the present. Each chapter begins with brief writer bios and includes a concise introduction to the time period and how certain societal, economical, and political factors influenced writers in that era.
Featured authors and poets include favorites such as Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, and Flannery O’Conner among many more. This anthology provides an opportunity for students to engage in extensive analysis of American works, both past and present.
Want American Literature prior to 1865? Exploration of American Literature
World Literature also available!
$13.50Original price was: $13.50.$9.99Current price is: $9.99.This resource is a BUNDLED product of the following:
Combined, these three .pdf books have over 1400 pages of world literature for High School Students.
Part 1 – The Ancient World includes selections from the Middle East, Near East Greece, China, India and Rome
Part 2 – The Middle Ages includes selections from Europe, the Middle East, China, Japan and South Asia
Part 3 – The Renaissance includes sections from Korea, Europe and Native AmericaSee description below for additional information!
$4.00Buy Now
World Literature Part 3 is a 379 page .pdf book of compiled literature from around the world.
Part 1 is entitled: The Renaissance and includes:
– Sijo Poetry
– The Tale of Hong Gil-Dong
From Europe:
– Don Quixote
– Gargantua and Pantagruel
– Hamlet
– The Journals of Christopher Columbus
– The Prince
– The Tempest
– Utopia
From Native America:
– Myths of the Cherokee
– Aw-aw-tam Indian Nights: The Myths and Legends of the Pimas
– Of Cannibals
– Popol VuhSee description below for additional information!
$4.50Buy Now
World Literature Part 2 is a 517 page .pdf book of compiled literature from around the world.
Part 1 is entitled: The Middle Ages and includes:
–The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7)
– The Parliament of Birds and The Canterbury Tales
– The Decameron
– The Divine Comedy: Inferno
– The Song of Roland
– The Lais of Marie de France
– Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart
– The song of the Cid
– The Travel of Marco Polo
From the Middle East:
– The Rose Garden (Golestan or Gulistan)
– The Quran
– Divani Shamsi Tabriz and Masnavi
– Shahnameh
– The Thousand and One Nights
– Autobiography of Usamah Ibn Munqidh
From China:
– Selected Poems
– The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
From Japan:
– Noh Plays
– Pillow Book
– The Tale of Genji
From South Asia:
– Tukaram’s Selected PoemsSee description below for additional information!
$5.00Buy Now
World Literature Part 1 is a 661 page .pdf book of compiled literature from around the world.
Part 1 is entitled: Ancient World and includes:
From the Middle East, Near East Greece:
– “Genesis” and “Exodus” of the Hebrew Bible
– The Epic of Gilgamesh
– The Iliad and The Odyssey
– Medea
– Oedipus the King
– The Apology of Socrates
From China:
– The Analects
– The Art of War
– The Book of Songs
– The Mother of Mencius
– The Zhuangzi
From India:
– The Bhagavad Gita
– The Mahabharata
– The Ramayana
From Rome:
– The Aeneid
– MetamorphosesSee description below for additional information!
View a short video of an excerpt from the text
$9.00Buy Now
This is an in-depth novel study of Louis Sachar’s Holes in which students will delve into literary elements of the book, analyze various topics and themes, write arguments and opinions, conduct research and more! This unit is designed for advanced 6th-8th graders and High School students.
(See description below for more details) -
$10.00Buy Now
This generic novel study unit can be used with any book and includes multiple ways to engage students and encourage reading comprehension! It is a great tool to study literature as students focus on literary elements like setting, plot, characterization, conflict, resolution and theme in an interactive way!
View a flipbook preview here PLUS see a list of what you’ll get in this product in the description below…
$4.00Buy Now
Looking for only a way to test student reading comprehension and understanding as they read Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice? The resource will give you 5 quizzes for students to take while reading the novel and then after they have completed the entire novel, an essay assessment as well as a 20 question, multiple choice test. Answer Keys included!
This resource is not a complete novel study guide but only provides assessments to measure student understanding. If you are looking for a complete novel study, go to:
Pride and Prejudice Novel Study
(Please Note: This assessment resource is contained within the complete novel study. You do not need this resource if you have the complete novel study.)
Download of the Novel here on My Teaching Library:
Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen) -
$5.00Buy Now
Help students learn over 200 new vocabulary words as they read Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice. Includes student handouts, puzzles and assessments. This resource breaks up new vocabulary by chapter and is in 5 different sections. Each section contains a student handout of words with definitions, crossword puzzles and section quizzes. At the end, there are two different vocabulary finals (each with 100 questions). Answer keys to all puzzles, quizzes and assessments are included!
This resource is not a complete novel study guide but only focuses on the vocabulary within the book. If you are looking for a complete novel study, go to:
Pride and Prejudice Novel Study
(Please Note: This vocabulary resource is contained within the complete novel study. You do not need this resource if you have the complete novel study.)
Download of the Novel here on My Teaching Library:
Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen) -
$15.00Buy Now
Complete novel study for Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice (196 pages). Includes:
– Author’s Biography
– Novel Introduction
– Characters and Themes
– Quotes and Analysis
– Teaching Guides dividing the novel into 5 sections w/
* Chapter Summaries, Thought Questions and Vocabulary
* Student Handouts
* Student Worksheets, Assessments & Keys
– Final AssessmentsClick here for a pdf preview instant download!
Download of the Novel here on My Teaching Library:
Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen) -
$3.00Buy Now
This large resource (300+ pages) is filled with poems that are sought by teachers to use in the classroom. Poems from authors such as Tennyson, Van Dyke, Shakespeare, Longfellow, Kipling and many more!
$15.00Buy Now
Teachers edition to be used with:
Complete English 1 Curriculum – Student Edition for High School (separate resource)Concepts covered in English 1:
– Using Technology / Navigating the Internet
– Reading – Improving a Skill for Life
– Writing/ Making Words Speak
– Writing / Using Strategies to Fine-Tune Writing
– Literature/ Discovering the World, Discovering ourselves. -
$3.00Buy Now
Biography & Analysis of Works – William Faulkner
561 pages -
$5.00Buy Now
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by the English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge (British Romantic Literature) is the basis for this Literary Unit designed for 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students.
The unit is divided into the following sections:
Summaries and More: Includes summary, brief review, symbols of the poem, tone, setting, point of view and more.
Student Handouts: Sound devices in Poetry + Imagery & Figurative Language in Poetry
The Poem Worksheets: Examining and Analyzing Metaphors
Quizzes and Tests: Poetic devices quiz, Multiple choice on the poem, Short Answer and Essay for the poem
Additional Resources: Extended Activities + Albatross illustrationAnswer Keys are provided.
$3.00Buy Now
Biography & Analysis of Works of Emily Dickinson
454 pages -
$15.00Buy Now
Teachers edition to be used with:
Complete English 3 Curriculum – Student Edition for High School (separate resource)English 3 is typically used in 11th grade. This curriculum covers:
- Online Technology / Using the Web
- Reading / Knowledge and Understanding
- Writing / Create a Research Report
- Revising and Editing / Polish Your Research Report
- Listening, Viewing, Speaking / Send and Receive the Message
- Literature / The Language of America
$2.50Buy Now
This all subject resource has been designed to help students ‘step by step’ when assigned a research paper to select a topic and then write a solid thesis statement. This product will encourage and guide students to understand the assignment fully and then to brainstorm, focus, research, ask the correct questions and to develop a refined topic and a strong thesis statement.
$1.25Buy Now
Help your students study and learn new vocabulary. This resource can be used in any subject and with multiple grades.
On the worksheet, students will:
- Write the word
- Write what they ‘think’ the word means
- The actual dictionary meaning for the word
- Name the part of speech
- Write a synonym
- Write an antonym
- Use the word in a sentence
- Break up the word (if possible): prefix / root / suffix
$15.00Buy Now
Teachers edition to be used with:
Complete English 4 Curriculum – Student Edition for High School (separate resource)English 4 is typically used during 12th grade. This curriculum covers:
- Integrating Multimedia Technology / Traveling the Information Highway
- Reading British Literature / The Voices of England
- Writing / How to Apply What you Know
- Listening, Viewing, Speaking / The Keys to Understanding