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$4.99Buy Now
With this comprehensive, cross-curricular unit study on the Mayflower, your students are going to read informational text to learn about the ship, its voyages, and its passengers (the Pilgrims). Students will also work with vocabulary related to ship navigational instruments, sections of the ship as well as words used in a farewell letter written to the passengers of the Mayflower. Perfect to use when studying the founding of the New World or during November (prior to Thanksgiving).
Students will be asked to…
- – Answer comprehension questions and questions to challenge their thoughts
- – Research and define unknown terms and vocabulary
- – Write a first person narrative
- – Complete hands-on projects
$4.50Buy Now
Multiplication worksheets designed to help 2nd and 3rd grade students learn multiplication! Your students will love completing the single digit multiplication problems wrapped in valentine designs. These pages will help students…understand multiplication as well as practice and reinforce their knowledge of facts. (See more in the description below)
$6.99Buy Now
This download contains 160 student pages PACKED with 2nd Grade learning! In it, you’ll find a variety of fun and engaging worksheets, puzzles and activities that will allow students to learn, practice and review needed skills: 1, 2 and 3 digit Addition and Subtraction, Principles of Multiplication, Multiplication x2, Number Sense, Greater than / Less than, Fractions, Shapes, Patterns, Money, Writing, Rhyming, Classification, Phonics, Syllables, Reading, Sight Words and more!
$2.00Buy Now
This U.S. geography resource provides students with an interactive project to record what they have various aspects of the South. Students will draw (or paste) pictures and write a few short sentences about climate, landforms, water, natural resources, landmarks and culture. Students will also be asked to name the states of the region and give a personal opinion about a place they would most like to visit in the region. There are 5 scrapbooking pages for student use.
Because the United States can be divided up into different regions, I’ve designed this resource to follow the regions as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau. The resource shows the states in the Midwest as being Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia.
Use as a stand alone product or use with My Teaching Library’s Regions of the U.S. – South Region – Informational Text and Worksheets
$2.00Buy Now
This is a downloadable copy of the book. (74 pages)
About the book: Easy to follow traditional dishes that are relatively simple and unlike most regional cookery the ingredients are readily available!Includes recipes for dishes such as: dumplings (Spaetzle), corn chowder, hot dutch potato salad, cabbage rolls, wiener schnitzel, dutch meat loaf, apple ring fritters, old-fashion flannel cakes, peach fritters
$1.75Buy Now
Pi Day is March 14th (3.14) and that’s why I’ve created two reading comprehension passages with questions (and answer keys) for your students. The first is ‘History of Pi’ and the second is ‘Celebrating Pi Day’!
$2.00Buy Now
This resource, Numbers & Colors – Matching Cards, has been designed with young learners in mind (preschool – prek). It includes 3 sets of matching cards and your kids will love playing matching games with the cards!
Set 1: All B/W – Numbers 1 through 12
Set 2: Color matching number cards – Numbers 1 through 12
Set 3: Match the color bears with the color names -
$2.00Buy Now
Students will learn about the respiratory system by following Otwo (the oxygen molecule) as he goes from bouncing around in the outside air into the human body! After reading the story, students will complete two worksheets (multiple choice and short answer) to access their understanding. Answer keys provided.
$2.50Buy Now
Teaching money skills? Help students learn to count money through this fun playing store activity!
– price tag printouts
– money templates (penny, nickel, dime, quarter, $1 bill)
– activity instructions -
$5.00Buy Now
This Monthly Writing Prompts Journal is for the month of April and has been designed to help students think, create and express their own ideas and opinions on a variety of topics.
There is a separate journal page for each day of the month that provides students with writing prompt. Some prompts a light-hearted while others are designed to make students critically think about issues, values, etc.
$1.50Buy Now
When doing research, students will find many written documents that could be appropriate to draw from. However, it is important to analyze each. Why? Analyzing historical documents requires students to identify the purpose, message, and audience of a text. This worksheets is a graphic organizer that will guide students through the analysis of these documents.
$20.00Buy Now
This resource is a complete high school level Geometry course. Students will learn about planes, angles, lines, theorems (Pythagorean, Triangle Sum, Remote Exterior Angle, Hinge, Midsection and others), proofs, and even begin learning the basics of Trigonometry! Answer keys provided
(This is a large download – Over 500 pages) Includes answer keys -
$3.00Buy Now
This is a downloadable copy of the book. (300 pages)
About the book: Refusing to be civilized by Southern society or cowed by his drunken father’s lashings, young Huckleberry Finn decides he has only one option left: fake his own death and hop a raft down the Mississippi River. Instead of carrying him far from trouble, though, Huck’s raft delivers him to a place of moral uncertainty.Mark Twain unwinds Huck’s harrowing journey to manhood with satirical wit, revealing the troubled history of the American South, where slavery held sway long after the Civil War ended. Huck’s relationship with runaway slave Jim forces him to confront his beliefs about friendship and freedom.
Interest Level Reading Level Grades 7 – 12 Grades 6 – 12 -
$1.00Buy Now
The earthworm is an annelid. The annelids , also known as the ringed worms or segmented worms, are a large phylum, with over 22,000 species which includes earthworms, ragworms, and leeches. This resource includes a labeled handout (showing the following parts: mouth, prostomium, clitellum, setae, periproct) and a worksheets for students to label.
$3.00Buy Now
Studying the state of Connecticut? Perhaps doing a unit on Ornithology? This project-based unit is designed to help students study and record information about Connecticut’s state bird – the American Robin!
To learn more, see details below or you can preview a similar product here. -
$3.00Buy Now
Margaret Brent was the first woman in the American colonies to appear before a court of the Common Law to claim land in her own right or to pursue her own interests in court. She was also a significant founding settler in the early histories of the colonies of Maryland and Virginia.
If you are looking for a student centered resource to help students learn and practice research skills, report writing skills, project skills, presentation skills and more. Use it within a Language Arts classroom or a Social Studies / U.S. History classroom. Very flexible and cross-curricular!
$8.00Buy Now
Christmas Math for 2nd and 3rd Grades is a large download with 76 student pages! Great for math centers, seat work, cooperative learning and/or fun holiday related homework. (Although this unit was designed for 2nd and 3rd grades, it would work wonderful for advanced 1st grade or remedial 4th grade!)
$1.25Buy Now
Winter Sports Color and Write is a 7 student page Language Arts resource. On each page, students can color a picture and then write a story, a short report or perhaps even create a poem…as their creative thinking is sparked!
Are any international or national winter sports games happening? The Olympics perhaps or a World or National Championship? This resource would be great to use during those times…but can be used ANY TIME!
Included Winter Sports: skiing, skating, bob sledding, hockey, and snowboarding PLUS you’ll find two pages that depict participants standing and receiving medals
$1.50Buy Now
This resource offers reading comprehension and discussion questions about the story and characters.
About the book (Not included):
For a girl as enthusiastic about life as Ramona, starting the first grade should be easy! But with a teacher who doesn’t understand her, a tattletale classmate, and a scary dog who follows her on the walk home from school, Ramona has a hard time acting like the big girl everyone expects her to be. But when she shows up to school with a missing shoe, Ramona gets a fresh grip on her courage in order to make it through a mortifying situation. -
This resource is a FREE resource to promote Holocaust education. This resource is from the New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education
This is a 9th-12th Grade Holocaust / Genocide Curriculum
(587 pages)