Showing 21–25 of 25 results

  • $2.50

    These 7 posters can be displayed or used to create media or transparencies to teach about the heart. Students will learn…

    • – Functions of the right and left sides of the heart
    • – Oxygenated and Deoxygenated blood
    • – The pathway (flow) of blood
    • – Parts of the heart
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  • Biology - Anatomy - Digestive System Posters

    This ANATOMY / BIOLOGY / HEALTH resource includes 7 sets of posters and worksheets for your classroom, all involving human digestion. Each poster comes in color (great for bulletin boards) and b/w (great for student handouts) and each worksheet comes with and without a word bank.

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  • $2.00

    This set of 2 posters is perfect for any classroom studying the human respiratory system. Display the colored poster in the classroom and give students their own b/w copy to use as a study reference.

    (See description below for more details)

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  • $1.00

    This resource contains instructional text to teach students about the human auditory system. There are no assessments or worksheets included.


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  • $4.00

    Designed for 4th-8th grade, students will love playing this hands-on game as they…

    • – deliver oxygen and food to the cells
    • – have oxygen and carbon dioxide ‘ride’ on red blood cells
    • – circulate red blood cells throughout the body – through the circulatory system (arteries and veins)

    The first team to get all their oxygen to the cells, all the food to the cells, all the wastes to the kidneys and all the carbon dioxides to the lungs, wins the game!

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