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- A Day in History – Investigation Station | August 21 – Hawaii becomes a State
A Day in History – Investigation Station | August 21 – Hawaii becomes a State
A Day in History – Investigation Station is a series of fun sleuthing research activities based on a single event on a specific day in history!
Students will learn about an event and be given several topics from which to choose to ‘investigate’. After some exploration, students are asked to write what they have discovered and name used sources.
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$6.00Buy Now
This Winter resource is PRINT and GO – Ready to use with 77 worksheets that will have students reviewing a variety of Math skills!
Skills included in this product:
- 2 digit addition (worksheets for ‘no carry’ and ‘carry’)
- 2 digit addition word problems
- 2 digit subtraction (worksheets for ‘no borrow’ and ‘borrowing’)
- Mixed addition/subtraction word problems (some worksheets designed in ‘test prep’ format)
- Find the missing addend and subtrahend worksheets
- 3 digit addition (worksheets for ‘no carry’ and ‘carry’)
- Even/Odd identification
- Roman numerals (I, V, X, L) – identification, conversion, addition
- Critical Thinking skill worksheets
- Order of Operations
- Place Value: Building 3 and 4 digit numbers / Expanding numbers
- Skip Counting by 50, 100, 250
- Rounding to the nearest 10 and nearest 100
- Telling time: nearest hour, half hour, 5 minutes and minutes
- Counting coins
- Fractions: identifying, comparing and naming
- Equivalent Fractions
- Multiplication: Writing equations
- Multiplication: 1-12
- Multiplication word problems
- Division word problems
- Measurement: Reading a ruler
- Geometry: Shape identification (cone, cube, pyramid, sphere, pentagon, rectangular prism
- Geometry: Vertices, faces, sides, edges
- Geometry: Finding the perimeter
$2.75Buy Now
A 17-page coloring book all about tools! The first three pages will have all the tools displayed and separated by the titles, “Dad’s Tools”, “Mom’s Tools, and “Tools for Work”. Each individual tool will be found on two pages, one with the name of the tool and the other is unnamed.
Tools include:
- paint brush
- rake
- drill
- hammer
- saw
- wrench & screwdriver
- screws
$2.25Buy Now
This resource gives you two photosynthesis posters, one b/w and the other color. Each poster has an easy-to-understand illustration plus a short explanation of the photosynthesis process is also included!
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Students will enjoy creating their own Christopher Columbus mini-book with this resource! After learning about Columbus (through their own curriculum, reading, watching a video or research), they can use these pages to create a story, report or poem about Columbus.
- – 3 cover templates (blank, Christopher Columbus, A Story of Courage)
- – 12 inside page templates
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