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A Day in History – Investigation Station is a series of fun sleuthing research and writing activities based on a single event on a specific day in history! This resource focuses on the day that Martin Luther King, Jr. received the Nobel Peace Prize (October 14, 1964).
Students will learn about an event and be given several topics from which to choose to ‘investigate’. After some exploration, students are asked to write what they have discovered and name used sources.
So…with each lesson, students will:
▪ (Read) Learn one ‘On this Day in History’ fact.
▪ (Investigate) Take a related topic and explore it through the use of different forms of media (i.e. books, internet).
▪ (Write) Summarize and write what they have discovered. This also should include the recording of sources.
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Anne Hutchinson was a religious liberal who became one of the founders of Rhode Island after her banishment from Massachusetts Bay Colony. She organized weekly meetings of Boston women to discuss recent sermons and to give expression to her own theological views. Before long her sessions attracted ministers and magistrates as well. She stressed the individual’s intuition as a means of reaching God and salvation, rather than the observance of institutionalized beliefs and the precepts of ministers.
If you are looking for a student centered resource to help students learn and practice research skills, report writing skills, project skills, presentation skills and more this is it!
This unit is a notebooking project. It can be assigned individually or within cooperative groups.
Use it within a Language Arts classroom or a Social Studies / U.S. History classroom. Very flexible and cross-curricular!
This 257-page book holds an 1893 copyright and was written to give information about historical figures living just before and during the beginning of United States history. It is not meant to be used as a textbook but rather a supplement to add stories and facts about the people written about within the pages. It is recommended for 5th-12th grades.
Suggested uses: Use with your regular curriculum to add another layer of information or give to students to use as a source information when doing research and/or projects.
Because of the 1893 copyright, this is a public domain resource. All-Access members may download it for free (as with all resources on our site). Non-members are asked to purchase this resource at a very low cost to help cover data storage and transfer costs.
This is a downloadable copy of the book. (548 pages)
About the book: Completed just days before his death and hailed by Mark Twain as “the most remarkable work of its kind since the Commentaries of Julius Caesar,” this is the now-legendary autobiography of ULYSSES SIMPSON GRANT (1822-1885), 18th president of the United States and the Union general who led the North to victory in the Civil War. Though Grant opens with tales of his boyhood, his education at West Point, and his early military career in the Mexican-American war of the 1840s, it is Grant’s intimate observations on the conduct of the Civil War, which make up the bulk of the work, that have made this required reading for history students, military strategists, and Civil War buffs alike. This unabridged edition features all the material that was originally published in two volumes in 1885 and 1886, including maps, illustrations, and the text of Grant’s July 1865 report to Washington on the state of the armies under his command.
This is a downloadable copy of the book.
About the book: A Memoir of Jane Austen is a biography of the novelist Jane Austen (1775–1817) published in 1869 by her nephew James Edward Austen-Leigh. A second edition was published in 1871 which included previously unpublished Jane Austen writings. A family project, the biography was written by James Edward Austen-Leigh but owed much to the recollections of Jane Austen’s many relatives.
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