Flesch-Kincaid Grade Levels of text within this resource: 4.8 – 6.2
This resource, Symbols of the U.S.A. – U.S. History Informational Text, has FIVE parts: The Statue of Liberty, The Liberty Bell, The Great Seal, The Bald Eagle and The American Flag.
In each section, students will have one page of informational text and then 2 pages to assess understanding / comprehension through multiple choice questions and writing prompt page. Answer Keys provided.
Flesch-Kincaid Grade Levels of text within this resource: 4.8 – 6.2
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One page informational text on Spanish explorers: Christopher Columbus, Balboa, Ponce de Leon, Ferdinand Magellan, De Soto and Coronado. After reading the text, student comprehension will be assess through a short reading comprehension worksheet. To extend the lesson, students will be asked to short opinion based essay questions.
(Designed for 4th-6th Grades) Students will enjoy this engaging Easter resource that is centered around Faberge eggs! It begins with a fun story about a boy named, Neil and his ‘trip in time to Russia’. After reading students will complete several worksheets:
1. Reading comprehension (short answer)
2. Math word problems
3. Synonyms
4. Timed writing with prompts
5. Story vocabulary (sentence writing)
6. Geography – map work
7. Art
8. Coloring
Answer keys provided
This is a downloadable copy of the book. (400 pages)
About the book: An English railroad expert surveys the history and practice of railroading in America – published in 1910, two years after sales of the Model T begin. The book sketches the history and goes into considerable detail about operations at the turn of the twentieth century. (Reading Level: High School)
5 code word puzzles designed to challenge students’ critical thinking skills. Puzzles will be completed using the names of U.S. Presidents. Fun puzzles for any classroom, especially a U.S. History or Government class. Use anytime of the year, or for Presidents’ Day. 40% of code letters have been given. Just enough to give students clues but not too many that these puzzle aren’t challenging. Answer Keys provided.
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