What this product includes:
- Creating this Project Information / Instructional page
- Supply list
- Teacher pages: Evaluation rubric and assignment page
- List of volcano related terms with definitions
- Informational pages on volcanoes giving students information about how they are formed, types, predicting eruptions, locations, dangers of and what a volcanologist does
- Cover page
- Table of Contents
- Project KWL
- Vocabulary pages (full page and flap-interactive template)
- Reference page (for students to record outside resources – students are to be encouraged to find outside resources beyond information provided within the resource.)
- Full page templates to write reports. Some include pictures such as a cross-section of the inside of a volcano or a world map. Others will have titles that guide students writing such as “A Volcano named: ____”, “Three Famous Volcanoes”, “Volcanoes in Hawaii”, “National Park Volcanoes” and many others.
- Volcanologist page for students to research and report things like…type of education needed and what places / organizations employ them.
- Interactive templates – Often students prefer to use these over full page templates. Several are given!
- A Time for Reflection – After the research and learning has come to an end, students are asked questions about their learning!
This product can be a standalone project or can be used along side your curriculum!
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