This rock chart contains 20 images of rock and gives the following information about each:
- name
- texture
- other characteristics
- where/how formed
- rock ‘type’: igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic
This rock chart contains 20 images of rock and gives the following information about each:
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9 worksheets for young students! Each worksheet has 5 rows of pictures. In each row, students will need to find and color the picture that is different. Extend the learning by reviewing each worksheet with the student(s) after completion. Have them tell you why or how each picture is different? If the difference is positional, discuss. If the picture is something entirely different (such as a different type of fruit or vegetable), discuss what the items are and how they are the same and how are they different.
This 5 page booklet will guide students through common minerals which are found in rock, rock textures and the major rock types: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.
Students learn best through hands-on learning. This solar eclipse activity has been designed to help students visualize a solar eclipse by creating a simple paper model of one.
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