Benjamin Franklin excelled in the roles of diplomat, postmaster, political theorist, scientist, satirist, and musician, and yet we still know so little about his life. Fellow Philadelphian George Fisher wrote this biography in 1898—illustrated here with black and white images throughout—and it depicts a Ben Franklin not seen in other portraits of the man. Following him from his boyhood, when he first wrote articles for his brother's Boston paper, to his years as a statesman and inventor, Fisher also deals with Franklin's political intrigues with the British and French, as well as his illegitimate children, offering a unique perspective of this most fascinating American figure.Benjamin Franklin excelled in the roles of diplomat, postmaster, political theorist, scientist, satirist, and musician, and yet we still know so little about his life. Fellow Philadelphian George Fisher wrote this biography in 1898—illustrated here with black and white images throughout—and it depicts a Ben Franklin not seen in other portraits of the man. Following him from his boyhood, when he first wrote articles for his brother's Boston paper, to his years as a statesman and inventor, Fisher also deals with Franklin's political intrigues with the British and French, as well as his illegitimate children, offering a unique perspective of this most fascinating American figure.

The True Benjamin Franklin


This is a downloadable copy of the book. (442 page download)
About the book: Benjamin Franklin excelled in the roles of diplomat, postmaster, political theorist, scientist, satirist, and musician, and yet we still know so little about his life. Fellow Philadelphian George Fisher wrote this biography in 1898—illustrated here with black and white images throughout—and it depicts a Ben Franklin not seen in other portraits of the man. Following him from his boyhood, when he first wrote articles for his brother’s Boston paper, to his years as a statesman and inventor, Fisher also deals with Franklin’s political intrigues with the British and French, as well as his illegitimate children, offering a unique perspective of this most fascinating American figure.


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