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$5.00Buy Now
In this unit, students develop an understanding of equal groups, building on their experiences with skip-counting and with finding the sums of equal addends. The work here serves as the foundation for multiplication and division in grade 3 and beyond. Students begin by analyzing even and odd numbers of objects. They learn that any even number can be split into 2 equal groups or into groups of 2, with no objects left over. Students use visual patterns to identify whether numbers of objects are even or odd. Next, students learn about rectangular arrays. They describe arrays using mathematical terms (rows and columns). Students see the total number of objects as a sum of the objects in each row and as a sum of the objects in each column, which they express by writing equations with equal addends. They also recognize that there are many ways of seeing the equal groups in an array. Later, students transition from working with arrays containing discrete objects to equal-size squares within a rectangle. They build rectangular arrays using inch tiles and partition rectangles into rows and columns of equal-size squares. The work here sets the stage for the concept of area in grade 3.
Includes: Student and Teacher Editions
Size: 263 -
$1.75Buy Now
This set of no prep, 10 worksheets will give students the practice they need to compare three digit numbers. Students will be asked to use greater than, less than or an equal sign (<, > or =) for each pair of numbers. Each worksheet includes 30 number pairs to compare. Answer keys are included.
$3.50Buy Now
This resource will give students the opportunity to:
- – Display their understanding that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones; e.g., 706 equals 7 hundreds, 0 tens, and 6 ones by converting numbers to expanded form as well as full expanded form (numbers to 1000)
- – Show their ability to skip count by 5s, 10s, and 100s (numbers to 1000)
- – Read and write numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals, number names, expanded form and full expanded form
This resource includes 45 worksheets plus answer keys:
- 5 Worksheets by 5s – Counting up
- 5 Worksheets by 5s – Counting down
- 5 Worksheets by 10s – Counting up
- 5 Worksheets by 10s – Counting down
- 3 Worksheets by 100s – Counting up
- 2 Worksheets by 100s – Counting both up and down
- 5 Worksheets – Given words to covert to standard form
- 5 Worksheets – Given standard form to covert to words
- 5 Worksheets – Given expanded form to covert to standard
- 5 Worksheets – Given standard form to convert to full expanded notation
$3.25Buy Now
Help students learn to identify place value with this math resource! With 22 progressive student pages, students’ skill and understanding will increase.
The unit begins with students visually counting ‘ones’, then ‘tens’, then ‘hundreds’ using number blocks. Next, they proceed to identifying the place value of given numbers, beginning with 2 digit numbers (identifying ones and tens), then 3 digits (identifying ones, tens and hundreds) and finally 4 digits (identifying ones, tens, hundreds and thousands).
Perfect for use with multiple ages / grades or for differentiation. (Grades: 1st. 2nd and 3rd)
$3.00Buy Now
Give students the practice they need to identify even and odd numbers! This resource includes 18 worksheets that progressively include higher numbers to really help students solidify their understanding.
- – 4 worksheets (#’s to 20) w/ pictures: Students are to count and write how many, then create pairs (to determine if the number is even or odd) and then will circle even or odd.
- – 3 worksheets (#’s to 20) for students to identify odd numbers (given a sets of 6 numbers, they will circle every odd number)
- – 3 worksheets (#’s to 20) for students to identify even numbers (given a sets of 6 numbers, they will circle every even number)
- – 2 worksheets (#’s to 20) for students to identify both even and odd numbers (given a sets of 4 numbers, they will circle every even or odd number based on instructions given)
- – 4 worksheets (#’s to 50) for students to identify both even and odd numbers (given a sets of 4 numbers, they will circle every even or odd number based on instructions given)
- – 2 worksheets (#’s to 120) for students to identify both even and odd numbers (given a sets of 3 numbers, they will circle every even or odd number based on instructions given)
- – Answer Keys
Although 2nd grade skills require that students can identify even and odd numbers through 20, it is easy for them to go beyond twenty using this resource and the concepts they learn! Perfect to pair with Math Posters | Even – Odd Numbers
- – 4 worksheets (#’s to 20) w/ pictures: Students are to count and write how many, then create pairs (to determine if the number is even or odd) and then will circle even or odd.
$2.25Buy Now
Teaching students how to identify even and odd numbers? Here is a set of 12 posters (6 different sets of 2) that will be a great addition to your classroom decor.
$6.00Original price was: $6.00.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.This resource will allow students to practice converting Roman numerals as well as comparing Roman numerals to Arabic numbers! There are 20 student worksheets with 240 total questions.
Use this bundle if you need worksheets for differing levels of knowledge:
- Roman Numerals 1 to 99 (I, V, X, L)
- Roman Numerals 1 – 1600 (I, V, X, L, C, D, M)
For a fun, holiday themed twist, each worksheet as a Thanksgiving themed maze!
This product contains two MTL resources:
$3.00Buy Now
Give students the practice they need with Roman Numerals (I, V, X, L, C, D, and M)! Students will be asked to convert numerals from 1 to 1600. They will convert from Arabic to Roman and Roman to Arabic. They will also be asked to compare Roman numerals with Arabic numbers by placing the correct sign: greater than, less than or equal. Includes 10 worksheets – 120 problems:
- 3 worksheets converting Arabic numbers to Roman numerals
- 4 worksheets converting Roman numerals to Arabic numbers
- 3 worksheets comparing Roman numerals with Arabic numbers (<, >, =)
$3.00Buy Now
Give students the practice they need with Roman Numerals! Students will be asked to convert numerals from 1 to 99. They will convert from Arabic to Roman and Roman to Arabic. They will also be asked to compare Roman numerals with Arabic numbers by placing the correct sign: greater than, less than or equal. Includes 10 worksheets – 120 problems:
- 3 worksheets converting Arabic numbers to Roman numerals
- 4 worksheets converting Roman numerals to Arabic numbers
- 3 worksheets comparing Roman numerals with Arabic numbers (<, >, =)
$8.00Buy Now
This February NO PREP packet is everything you’ll need for an entire month of Math review for 2nd and 3rd grades! This Valentine’s Day themed resource is jam packed with a variety of activities to get your students practicing and reinforcing important Math skills: addition, subtraction, multiplication, word problems, critical thinking, geometry, measurement, time, fractions and more.
Skills / Activities include:
- 2 digit addition (worksheets for ‘no carry’ and ‘carry’)
- 2 digit addition word problems
- 2 digit subtraction (worksheets for ‘no borrow’ and ‘borrowing’)
- Mixed addition/subtraction word problems (some worksheets designed in ‘test prep’ format)
- Find the missing addend and subtrahend worksheets
- 3 digit addition (worksheets for ‘no carry’ and ‘carry’)
- Even/Odd identification
- Roman numerals (I, V, X, L) – identification, conversion, addition
- Critical Thinking skill worksheets
- Order of Operations
- Place Value: Building 3 and 4 digit numbers / Expanding numbers
- Skip Counting by 50, 100, 250
- Rounding to the nearest 10 and nearest 100
- Telling time: nearest hour, half hour, 5 minutes and minutes
- Counting coins
- Fractions: identifying, comparing and naming
- Equivalent Fractions
- Multiplication: Writing equations
- Multiplication: 1-12
- Multiplication word problems
- Division word problems
- Measurement: Reading a ruler
- Geometry: Shape identification (cone, cube, pyramid, sphere, pentagon, rectangular prism
- Geometry: Vertices, faces, sides, edges
- Geometry: Finding the perimeter
$1.50Buy Now
There are 3 different posters – Each of the Hundreds Chart / Square with a cute animal theme.
$3.00Buy Now
This resource can be used for hours of Math learning, reinforcement and practice during December and give lessons a Christmas holiday twist!
What you get:
- * Nutcracker themed number cards 1 – 120
- * Extra blank cards
- * 100s chart poster and handout
- * Addition table
- * Multiplication table
$1.25Buy Now
10 Worksheets on place value (ones, tens, hundreds, thousands)
Pictures are displayed using base 10 blocks.
$2.00Buy Now
This b/w resource includes two reference posters that will allow your students to visually see (and learn) about place value!
The first poster clearly displays place value (using base ten blocks) for ones, tens, hundreds and thousands.
The second poster displays a table showing place value up through a hundred million as well as explains how to write expanded notation.
$1.25Buy Now
10 Worksheets on place value (ones, tens, hundreds).
Pictures are displayed using base 10 blocks.