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$3.00Buy NowWord Turkeys (November Language Activities) is a 60 page download for primary students (Advanced Kindergarten, 1st grade and remedial 2nd grade) designed to teach and reinforce Language – Word – Skills.Based on 1st grade word families and sight words, this turkey themed download would make a fun addition during the month of November, the Thanksgiving holidays or any turkey unit!See description below for more details.
$1.75Buy Now
This cross-curricular (Language Arts – Science) informational article has been designed to help students gain a better understanding of why some animals in our world are endangered. The article will list causes such the need for more land and food for humans as well as pollution and hunting. Students will also be given several examples of animals from around the world that are in danger and what we need to learn in order to make plans to help them survive.
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About the book: Published in 1811, Sense and Sensibility has delighted generations of readers with its masterfully crafted portrait of two sisters, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood. Forced to leave their home after their father’s death, Elinor and Marianne must rely on making good marriages as their means of support.About the Author: Jane Austen was an English novelist known primarily for her six major novels, which interpret, critique and comment upon the British landed gentry at the end of the 18th century. Austen’s plots often explore the dependence of women on marriage in the pursuit of favorable social standing and economic security.
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About the book: Cooper’s fictitious frontier hero Bumppo is never called by his name, but is instead referred to as “the trapper” or “the old man.” Chronologically The Prairie is the fifth and final installment of the Leatherstocking Tales, though it was published before The Pathfinder (1840) and The Deerslayer (1841). It depicts Natty in the final year of his life still proving helpful to people in distress on the American frontier.About the Author: James Fenimore Cooper was an American writer of the first half of the 19th century. His historical romances draw a picture of frontier and American Indian life in the early American days which created a unique form of American literature.
$5.00Buy Now
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by the English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge (British Romantic Literature) is the basis for this Literary Unit designed for 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students.
The unit is divided into the following sections:
Summaries and More: Includes summary, brief review, symbols of the poem, tone, setting, point of view and more.
Student Handouts: Sound devices in Poetry + Imagery & Figurative Language in Poetry
The Poem Worksheets: Examining and Analyzing Metaphors
Quizzes and Tests: Poetic devices quiz, Multiple choice on the poem, Short Answer and Essay for the poem
Additional Resources: Extended Activities + Albatross illustrationAnswer Keys are provided.
$5.00Buy Now
This reading / literacy resource has been created to use with the Caldecott winning book, Jumanji, written by Chris Van Allsburg. It includes guided reading questions, journal response pages, reading journal pages, student activity pages, extended activities, and vocabulary work. Designed to use with 3rd – 4th -5th grades.
- Guided Reading includes Pre-Reading, About the Cover, After Reading, and About the Art questions.
- Journal Response pages include questions about the story, an area for students to develop their own questions, questions students still have after reading and art expressions.
- Reading Journal (2 pages from which to choose) on which students record pages read, new words, record story events and student opinion about the story.
- Student Activity pages include creating a story setting map (with key), art work and write a different ending.
- Extended Activity (11 from which to choose) examples: Create a diorama of a favorite scene, create a board game.
- Vocabulary Work includes a word wall (40 words), definition and sentence writing and word search.
Reading Level information about Jumanji: Level: 3.9
$2.00Buy Now
Perfect for any Biology / Anatomy Classroom teaching human anatomy: Anatomy Posters – Types of Muscle. These 3 colorful posters will help students quickly identify each type of muscle (Cardiac, Skeletal, Smooth) as well as the parts of each muscle.
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The Emerald City of Oz is the sixth of L. Frank Baum’s fourteen Land of Oz books. It was also adapted into a Canadian animated film in 1987. Originally published on July 20, 1910, it is the story of Dorothy Gale and her Uncle Henry and Aunt Em coming to live in Oz permanently. While they are toured through the Quadling Country, the Nome King is assembling allies for an invasion of Oz. This is the first time in the Oz series that Baum made use of double plots for one of the books.
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This 42 page book is a biography of Frederick Douglass. Frederick Douglass was an American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman. After escaping from slavery in Maryland, he became a national leader of the abolitionist movement in Massachusetts and New York, gaining note for his oratory and incisive antislavery writings.
$0.50Buy Now
This cute little song (tune: Did You Ever See a Lassie?) will help students remember which vowel ‘talks’ when there are two vowels together!
$3.00Buy Now
A complete Guided Reading resource for the Caldecott book: Snowflake Bentley!
- A Guided Reading (Teacher page) to use before the book is read and contains Pre-reading questions plus questions about the cover
- A Guided Reading (Teacher page) to use after reading the book and contains questions about the plot of the story and the artwork.
- 4 Journal Response pages (Student)
– Two to use during and after the reading of the book
– Two Art prompt pages
About the book: The book is based on a true story. Martin has written about the first known snowflake photographer, Wilson Bentley, and his interest in capturing snowflakes. From the time he was a small boy, Wilson Bentley saw snowflakes as small miracles. And he determined that one day his camera would capture for others the wonder of the tiny crystal.
$2.50Buy Now
Story-line: The story is about an adolescent drummer boy named George Knight and his dog Waggie during the Civil War. Together this pair joins a group of Union soldiers who make their way deep into southern territory, as spies, to overtake and steal a train. Their intent is to drive the train north, burning railroad bridges on their way back to their own lines. The story addresses courage, honor, dignity between combatants, and ends with a nation re-united.Written in 1902.
It is based on a true story, that journalizes the penetration, techniques of survival, attack, escape and evasion, and the complete details of the raid. (Suggested for 7th-12th Grades)
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Students should understand the significance of a terrible day in American history, September 11th, 2001, otherwise known as 911. This resource has been designed to help students gain factual knowledge of the events of that day, the heroic efforts of first responders and the U.S. military response. This can be used as a standalone mini-lesson or as part of your own curriculum. (Designed for 7th-10th grades)
$3.50Buy Now
This December (NO PREP) Packet is Christmas themed and filled with engaging and FUN resources that get kids excited about learning! Includes 30 students pages for an entire holiday month of skills review…See more details in description below!
$1.50Buy Now
This resource offers reading comprehension and discussion questions about the story and characters.
About the book (Not included):
By the Shores of Silver Lake by Laura Ingalls Wilder published in 1939, the fifth of nine books in her Little House series. It is based on a few years of her childhood when the Ingalls lived at Plum Creek near Walnut Grove, Minnesota, during the 1870s. The original dust jacket proclaimed, “The true story of an American pioneer family by the author of Little House in the Big Woods“. The novel was a Newbery Honor book in 1940.Interest Level: Grades 4 – 7 Reading Level: Grades 4 -6 -
$14.00Buy Now
This large (184 page) volume is filled with phonics learning! Students will concentrate on words with the following blends:
- scr
- sk
- sl
- sm
- sn
- sp
- spl
- spr
- st
- tr
This is Volume 2 of 2 – Get Volume 1 here!
Watch a combined preview of Volumes 1 and 2 here!
WAIT! BEFORE YOU PURCHASE…Did you know that if you become an All-Access member, this resource (and all resources) is $0.00? If you need several resources, you can save big by becoming an ALL-ACCESS MEMBER!
$8.50Buy Now
When it is cold out and you want FUN, NO PREP lessons, this is the resource: Snow Themed / Winter Unit for Firsties!
This unit will provide you with a couple of months’ worth of learning activities!
- Language Arts Skills include reading comprehension, sentence sequencing, handwriting / copy work, snow vocabulary work, phonics (“sn” words), rhyming, poetry, punctuation (period, question mark or exclamation mark), complete sentence identification, noun or verb
- Math Skills: Symmetry, single digit addition and subtraction, even vs odd, number words, graphing, size comparison, telling time, counting money, greater than / less than
- Science: Learning about how snow forms and the five different types of crystals formed at various temperatures.
- Fine Motor Skills: Handwriting, Tracing, Drawing, Cutting and Pasting
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This is a downloadable copy of the book.
About the book: Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon was published in 1881 and has also been published as The Giant Raft. Unlike many of his other novels, this story does not have any science fiction elements. It is an adventure novel. This novel involves how Joam Garral, a ranch owner who lives near the Peruvian-Brazilian border on the Amazon River, is forced to travel down-stream when his past catches up with him.About the Author: Jules Gabriel Verne was a French novelist, poet, and playwright. Verne is generally considered a major literary author in France and most of Europe, where he has had a wide influence on the literary avant-garde and on surrealism. Verne has been the second most-translated author in the world since 1979, ranking between Agatha Christie and William Shakespeare. He has sometimes been called the “Father of Science Fiction”
$2.00Buy Now
This phonics, learning to read resource will help students create words using 4 word wheels ( -ail -ake – ack – ain ). As students create new words, they can write each word on the included ‘Creating Words’ worksheet!