Chasing An Iron Horse ; Or, A Boy's Adventures In The Civil WarChasing An Iron Horse ; Or, A Boy's Adventures In The Civil War

Chasing an Iron Horse – A Boy’s Adventures in the Civil War


Story-line: The story is about an adolescent drummer boy named George Knight and his dog Waggie during the Civil War. Together this pair joins a group of Union soldiers who make their way deep into southern territory, as spies, to overtake and steal a train. Their intent is to drive the train north, burning railroad bridges on their way back to their own lines. The story addresses courage, honor, dignity between combatants, and ends with a nation re-united.Written in 1902.

It is based on a true story, that journalizes the penetration, techniques of survival, attack, escape and evasion, and the complete details of the raid. (Suggested for 7th-12th Grades)

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