This rock chart contains 20 images of rock and gives the following information about each:
- name
- texture
- other characteristics
- where/how formed
- rock ‘type’: igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic
This rock chart contains 20 images of rock and gives the following information about each:
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Whether you are simply looking for informational text resources or you are studying landforms, if your teaching grades 5th-8th, this resource is perfect! The resource includes 25 reading pages with questions about a given landform. Questions include both short answer and true/false.
Flesch-Kincaid levels range from 5.5 – 8.3
These are short reading passages with 5 – 7 questions after each.
This complete bundle is a full year of 7th grade science! Comes complete with two student textbooks and two teacher editions:
Natural Science: Physics & Earth Science – Grade 7 (Student Edition)
Natural Science: Physics & Earth Science – Grade 7 (Teacher’s Edition)
Natural Science: Biology & Chemistry – Grade 7 (Student Edition)
Natural Science: Biology & Chemistry – Grade 7 (Teacher’s Edition)
Watch a short video preview of the Physics & Earth Science student edition here.
See the table of contents for each student edition below:
Studying the state of Maine? Perhaps doing a unit on Ornithology? Check out this Notebooking set designed around the Maine State Bird!
What type of pages are contained in this set:
– A map page (for the state)
– Scientific classification page
– A page for students to give details about the bird’s physical description, habitat, diet, life span and reproduction
– A page where students will do additional map work to show where in the U.S. the bird lives in addition to migration information
– Coloring page
– Several pages on which students can use for expository and/or creative writing as well as sections in which students may draw.
14 pages in all and is designed for different levels / abilities.
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