
Toni, the Little Wood Carver (Spyri)


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About the book: Toni is a little boy who discovers a love for woodcarving. When tragedy strikes and his father dies, Toni does all he can to help his mother Elsbeth. He sets his dream aside to become a woodcarver when the cost to pursue it is out of their means. The only job available for the boy is as a herdsman in the mountains. Cut off from the home he loves, he suffers tremendously and no one can help. Only his mother’s love can turn him around.

About the Author:  Johanna Louise was a Swiss-born author of novels, notably children’s stories, and is best known for her book Heidi. Born in Hirzel, a rural area in the canton of Zurich, Switzerland, as a child she spent several summers near Chur in Graubünden, the setting she later would use in her novels.

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