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$2.00Buy Now
As students study the Midwest region of the United States, have them complete these scrapbook activities. Students will draw (or paste) pictures and write a few short sentences about climate, landforms, water, natural resources, landmarks and culture. Students will also be asked to name the states of the region and give a personal opinion about a place they would most like to visit in the region. There are 5 scrapbooking pages for student use.
You can use these pages with your own curriculum or research to find the information to fill in the scrapbook.
$2.50Buy Now
This is a downloadable copy of the book.
About the book: A Modern Cinderella is a collection of four short stories by Louisa May Alcott, the author of Little Women. Like her more famous novels, Alcott tells stories of young women interacting with people and events from the late 1800s. A great addition to the Alcott library of stories.About the Author: Louisa May Alcott was an American novelist, short story writer and poet best known as the author of the novel Little Women and its sequels Little Men and Jo’s Boys.
$5.00Buy Now
If you are teaching letters to your little ones (Preschool / PreK ), this bundle is for you! Includes 52 student pages (26 for lower case letters and 26 for capital letters).
On each page, students will complete…
- * A graphic of the letter by dabbing a dotter on each circle to complete the letter. (If you do not have dotters, students can also finger paint!)
- * A graphic of the letter to color with crayons
- * A picture to color and picture word so that students can learn the sound made by each letter.
Super FUN Letter recognition activity and NO PREP! Just print and go!
$1.00Buy Now
Celebrate the completion of any grade with this ‘Certificate of Completion’!
Certificate reads…
Congratulations Graduate!
has successfully completed
(Grade Level)
(Date) -
$2.00Buy Now
4 Fraction Wall posters (or handouts)! You’ll get 2 in color (one with fractions and one without) and 2 in b/w (also one with fractions and one without.
$2.50Buy Now
This all subject resource has been designed to help students ‘step by step’ when assigned a research paper to select a topic and then write a solid thesis statement. This product will encourage and guide students to understand the assignment fully and then to brainstorm, focus, research, ask the correct questions and to develop a refined topic and a strong thesis statement.
$2.50Buy Now
This is a downloadable copy of the book.
About the book: Lady Susan is shortest and least known novel of Austen’s and was written in 1794 but not published until 1875 after her death. It is about the horrible flirt Lady Susan Vernon, a widow in her thirties who has an affair with a married man.About the Author: Jane Austen was an English novelist known primarily for her six major novels, which interpret, critique and comment upon the British landed gentry at the end of the 18th century. Austen’s plots often explore the dependence of women on marriage in the pursuit of favorable social standing and economic security.
$2.50Buy Now
Students love to create and this resource will give them fun winter, snowflake templates to self-publish a story, a narrative, a poem or a brief report.
1. 3 different covers
2. 7 interior pages (lined, dashed and blank)Suggested uses:
- Create a Winter themed (December / January / February) Writing center
- Assign students to write (your choice of topics) and then create a display board to show off their work
$2.50Buy Now
This is a downloadable copy of the book.
Story line: Three teen-age boys, trained as telegraphers, manage to get themselves in and out of a wide variety of harrowing circumstances. Using their knowledge of Morse code, the science of telegraphs, and the operation of railroads, the boys stir in native resourcefulness, quick-thinking, and when the occasion demands it, raw courage – to effect rescues, thwart thieves, and solve mysteries.Excerpt from the book: “When, after school that afternoon, Alex Ward waved a good-by to his father, the Bixton station agent for the Middle Western, and set off up the track on the spring’s first fishing, he had little thought of exciting experiences ahead of him. Likewise, when two hours later a sudden heavy shower found him in the woods, with but three small fish, it was only with feelings of disappointment that he wound up his line and ran for the shelter. Scarcely had Alex reached the doorway of the deserted house when he was startled by a chorus of excited voices from the rear. He turned quickly to a window, and with a cry sprang back out of sight. Emerging from the woods, excitedly talking and gesticulating, was a party of foreigners who had been working on the track near Bixton, and in their midst, his hands bound behind him, was Hennessy, their foreman…”
$3.00Buy Now
Give your students the practice they need in identifying factors with this 4th grade Math resource! Students with be asked to find all factor pairs for a whole number within the range of 1-100. I’ve created 10 different worksheets (130 problems in all). As an added bonus, I’ve included two copies of each: One without and one with a cute graphic and a positive, growth mindset quote!
⭐ Why have I added mindset quotes to a Math resource? Research shows that it’s the way students think about their ability that really counts. So as students practice and reinforce their Math skills, their thoughts about their own abilities and possibilities can be increased through the reinforcement of the mindset quotes!
$3.00Buy Now
This Science / Biology / Health resource will help your students learn the different sections of the brain and the major functions of each. Sections included: frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, temporal lobe, cerebellum and medulla oblongata.
$3.50Buy Now
This Christmas themed resource, Peppermint Candy Numbers and Number Words, was created to help students learn to identify and match numbers and number words. It also includes Math mats for students to begin creating addition, subtraction and multiplication problems! These materials are perfect to create holiday math centers and bulletin boards for numerous fun activities.
- * Number strips (1 – 100)
- * Number cards (1 – 100)
- * Number words (one – fifty)
- * Signs (+,-,x,=)
- * Sign words (plus, minus, times, equals)
- * Plenty of blank Peppermint cards to add your own numbers and words!
$1.00Buy Now
Use these ‘Super’ Star awards for any achievement, effort or to encourage students when they have made positive strides!
2 sizes
Includes three blank lines so you can write in what has been achieved. Then you will sign and date the certificate. -
This resource is a FREE resource to promote Holocaust education. This resource is from the New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education
This is a 5th-8th Grade Holocaust / Genocide Curriculum
(179 pages) -
$3.00Buy Now
Give students the practice they need counting money with coins and bills to $20. This packet will give them a total of 50 problems (10 worksheet with 5 problems each plus answer keys). Worksheets contain ‘real’ pictures of money so it is easy for students to read (not clip art). All sums will fall between $14.43 – $99.36.
$3.00Buy Now
Mary Rowlandson was a British American colonial author who wrote one of the first 17th-century captivity narratives, in which she told of her capture by Native Americans, revealing both elements of Native American life and of Puritan-Indian conflicts in early New England.
Here is a student-centered unit to aid students in researching and reporting about her. Who was she? What did her writings reveal? How did she influence U.S. History?
This unit is a notebooking project. It can be assigned individually or within cooperative groups. Use it to help students learn and practice research skills, report writing skills, project skills, presentation skills and more. Use it within a Language Arts classroom or a Social Studies / U.S. History classroom. Very flexible and cross-curricular!
$2.00Buy Now
North American Birds of Prey Flashcards includes 29 birds! Give each student a set and they can color them or you can laminate them and use them year after year.
See description below for the list of birds included.
$3.50Buy Now
With this resource, students will learn about George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, money (penny, quarter, $1 and $5 bills), Washington Monument, and the Lincoln Memorial! You’ll find activity pages appropriate for both Literacy and Math centers and there’s even a mini-book for students to create. This unit can be used at any time of the year or around the Presidents’ birthdays in February as well as Presidents Day.
$3.50Buy Now
This Regions of the U.S. Geography resource is centered on the Northeast Region and contains textbook style informational text and related student worksheets with answer keys. Students will enjoy learning about the northeast region studying the categories of Land and Water, Climate, Products and Natural Resources, Landmarks, Culture and Food.
The informational text worksheets begin with an anticipation activity section followed by questions that students will answer about each category. The last is a fun ‘unscramble’ the state names worksheet. (Pages: 12)
$3.00Buy Now
⭐ Make learning and practicing grammar fun with Grammar Games! ⭐This Language Arts download includes a poster explaining the correct usage of the articles ‘a’ and ‘an’, and two different center activities. I have several grammar game editions –
This set comes includes:
- Grammar poster
- 2 different sets of 12 picture cards both with matching article cards
- Instructions and Answer Keys
- Optional ‘What’s in your Zoo?” activity set
- Worksheets for both sets of picture cards
his one is the Animal Set edition.