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Showing 61–76 of 76 resultsSorted by latest
$3.00Buy Now
Here is a resource that will give students a chance to create a beautiful project when studying the Genesis story of creation. Notebooking is a coined term for what can also be referred to as educational journaling or scrapbooking. This type of project is designed to capture student knowledge as well as personal reflections of what has been learned.
- – Creating a Notebooking Project – What is notebooking?
- – Supply list
- – Teacher pages
- – Student organizational pages
- – Templates (over 40 different templates – each in both color and b/w)
$1.75Buy Now
This informational article will teach students about a very important Christian holiday – Easter. After reading a one page article, students will have two worksheets to assess their reading comprehension and understanding of the material.
$2.00Buy Now
Here is a resource that will give students a chance to create a beautiful project when studying the Genesis stories on the life Abraham. Templates are included for Abraham, Abraham and Sarah, Abraham and Isaac and Abraham’s Journey
Notebooking is a coined term for what can also be referred to as educational journaling or scrapbooking. This type of project is designed to capture student knowledge as well as personal reflections of what has been learned.
- – Creating a Notebooking Project – What is notebooking?
- – Supply list
- – Teacher pages
- – Student organizational pages
- – Templates (11 different)
$2.50Buy Now
Here are 5 different recipe templates for your students or children to use to copy or create their favorite recipes! Use at home or in class. Suggested uses: In a Health class when studying nutrition (record or create healthy recipes), any class teaching life skills, in a Home Economics class, or how about using when teaching about different cultures around the world (have students find and record recipes).
$1.50Buy Now
This informational text is a perfect short lesson to use anytime for a Health class or perhaps a Reading or Science class during the month of February which in Dental Health Month! Students will learn what cavities are, that microorganisms (called plaque) produce acid and the acid breaks down the enamel! They will also learn about tarter, what not to eat and how to care for their teeth.
- 1 page of informational text (I’ve included both a color and b/w version)
- 1 page assessment (multiple choice and fill-in-the-blanks)
- Answer Key
$3.00Buy Now
Chapter 8 in the book of Daniel tells of Daniel’s vision of a two-horned ram destroyed by a one-horned goat (a possible allegory for the transition from the Persian to the Greek eras in the Near East), followed by the history of the “little horn”, which is Daniel’s code-word for the Greek king Antiochus Epiphanes.
This notebooking resource has been designed for students to write about, give a report of, and comment on chapter 8 of the book of Daniel.
$1.50Buy Now
Help students learn the parts of the mouth and the types of teeth with this labeled poster and worksheet!
$1.50Buy Now
This is a downloadable copy of the book. (43 pages)
About the book: Published 1846 – Mrs. Mee, her husband, and her sister ran a yarn and needlework import/warehouse business in Bath, England. Her books primarily contain practical everyday items that knit up quickly with the busy homemaker in mind. -
$9.99Buy Now
Complete Economics Curriculum for 7th-12th – Student Edition
$2.50Buy Now
Help your kids get the most from church! This resource will allow your kids to take notes, answer questions for self-reflection and keep a record of each service.
Parents then can use their child’s completed sermon notes to engage in conversation and extend their child’s learning by discussing the sermon’s message, their child’s understanding and how they may apply what was taught!
Highlights of Version #1:
- – Book, chapter, verse of today’s main passage
- – What are you learning about God?
- – Words I don’t understand…
- – Questions I have about what was said…
- – Favorite song? Why?
- – Most important thing I learned?
- – How can I use this in my life?
PLEASE NOTE: This resource is for individual family use only. If you are planning to distribute within a local ministry / church, you must purchase a Ministry License.
$5.00Buy Now
Memorization and copy work of bible verses about giving thanks and having gratitude. Ready to print-and-use with multiple levels!
Includes 15 Verses. Each verse has 4 pages:
– Manuscript copy work plus a drawing section
– Cursive copy work (with dashed center lines) plus a drawing section
– Cursive copy work (solid lines) plus a drawing section
– Writing page for students to write the verse from memory and then write a short paragraph.Verses:
- 1 Chronicles 16:8
- 1 Chronicles 16:35
- Daniel 2:23
- Psalms 7:17
- Psalms 28:7
- Psalms 100:4
- Psalms 118:21
- Ephesians 5:19-21
- Colossians 3:16
- 1 Thessalonians 5:18
- Hebrews 12:28
- Romans 6:17
- 2 Corinthians 2:14
- Philippians 4:6
Can be used for an entire semester of work…1 section/verse a week.
$1.35Buy Now
Show students visually how a cavity grows within the tooth with this dental poster. Use when teaching about teeth or dental health.
$2.50Buy Now
- This is a copy of Margaret Brown’s French Cookery book – Publication date: 1886
It includes a large variety of French recipes from the late 1800’s, written in very simplistic, paragraph form. Recipes from apple cake and corn bread to lobster fritters and rabbit fricassee!Here is an example of how recipes are written:
Peach Sauce.
Place the peach juice from the can into a small saucepan, add an equal volume of water, a little more sugar and 8 or 10 raisins, boil this 10 minutes, strain, and just before serving add 8 drops of extract of bitter almonds.
- This is a copy of Margaret Brown’s French Cookery book – Publication date: 1886
$4.50Buy Now
A fun, interactive game that will have students learn all about the circulatory system!
- – deliver oxygen and food to the cells
- – have oxygen and carbon dioxide ‘ride’ on red blood cells
- – circulate red blood cells throughout the body – through the circulatory system (arteries and veins)
The first team to get all their oxygen to the cells, all the food to the cells, all the wastes to the kidneys and all the carbon dioxides to the lungs, wins the game!
$1.75Buy Now
2 posters (1 color and 1 b/w) that shows the different types of teeth are in the human mouth and give their function(s).
Tooth types: incisors, canines, premolars and molars