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$40.50Original price was: $40.50.$35.00Current price is: $35.00.3rd Grade Math Complete is an 8 unit program that covers all of the important skills and concepts typically covered in 3rd grade. Each unit includes the student and teacher edition. This resource can be used within a classroom setting, co-op or with individual students. Because it can be used within a group setting, you’ll find many activities for students to complete in pairs of 2. If you are homeschooling multiple children close in age, it would be easy to adapt and teach students together. If you are homeschooling a single child, you can easily adapt these activities through your one-on-one interaction!
You do not need to use the entire program if you are only wanting to focus on one or a few specific Math skills and concepts. If this is the case, you can purchase each unit separately.
- – Unit 1: Intro to Multiplication
- – Unit 2: Geometry: Area, Arrays and Multiplication
- – Unit 3: Reviewing Addition & Subtraction within 1,000
- – Unit 4: Relating Multiplication and Division
- – Unit 5: Fractions – Number Lines, Equivalent & Comparing
- – Unit 6: Measurement – Length, Time, Volume & Weight
- – Unit 7: Geometry – 2 Dimensional Shapes, Area & Perimeter
- – Unit 8: Review of 3rd Grade Skills & Concepts
$5.00Buy Now
In this unit, students ready to learn multiplication will interpret and represent data on scaled picture graphs and scaled bar graphs and then they will learn the concept of multiplication! Students explore scaled picture graphs and bar graphs as an entry point for learning about equal-size groups and multiplication. The idea that one picture can represent multiple objects helps to introduce the idea of equal-size groups. Students learn that multiplication can mean finding the total number of objects in groups of objects each, and can be represented by a x b. They then relate the idea of equal groups and the expression a x b to the rows and columns of an array. In working with arrays, students begin to notice the commutative property of multiplication. In all cases, students make sense of the meaning of multiplication expressions before finding their value, and before writing equations that relate two factors and a product. Later in the unit, students see situations in which the total number of objects is known but either the number of groups or the size of each group is not known. Problems with a missing factor offer students a preview to division.
Includes: Student and Teacher Editions
Size: 369 pages -
$4.50Buy Now
In this unit, students revisit major work and fluency goals of the grade, applying their learning from the year. Section A gives students a chance to solidify their fluency with addition and subtraction within 20. In section B, students apply methods they used with smaller numbers to add and subtract numbers within 100. In the final section, students interpret, solve, and write story problems involving numbers within 100, which further develop their fluency with addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers. They work with all problem types with the unknown in all positions.
Includes: Student and Teacher Editions
Size: 233 pages -
$2.00Buy Now
This unit is designed to help students learn multiplication by gaining an understanding through the use of picture and bar graphs. Material is presented so that students learn multiplication means finding the total number of objects in groups of objects and can be represented by a x b. Students will work with arrays to learn and understand multiplication expressions before beginning to write the equations. By the end of the unit, problems with a missing factor offers the student a preview to division.
This resource includes both student and teacher materials.
Number of Lessons: 20 and 1 optional
Lesson Time: Approximately 60 minutes. Please note that each lesson is designed for one instructional block, and may be divided into shorter or longer segments based on teacher pacing and student needs.
View a short preview video hereSee description below for more details.
This fun, FREE picture graph is designed to give students practice in finding and plotting coordinates! With a theme of the USA and the American flag, it is perfect to use when studying the U.S. states, government and the flag. You can also use it during American holidays such as Memorial Day and/or the 4th of July!
This is STEM activity for both Math, and Geography.
$3.50Buy Now
A FUN, Christmas themed Math Game that will have students graphing, comparing and adding! Christmas Graphing Activities download contains 3 sets of activities pages.
* Christmas Candy
* Christmas Trees
* Christmas Ornaments
Each set includes:
* Spinner
* Graphing page
* Worksheet for totals, comparison and addition -
$5.00Buy Now
Combine a fun Valentine’s Day craft activity with Math graphing using this February, heart themed resource!
$3.00Buy Now
Help your students learn to create, read and interpret charts and graphs with PRINT & GO 15 engaging Math worksheets. Students will create a tally graph using supplied information as well as reading and interpreting bar graphs and pictographs. For each chart / graph, students will answer questions such as…
- how many?
- which had less?
- how many total?
- what is the difference between ___ and ___?
- ..and other reading and interpreting questions!
There are fun themes that students will enjoy as well such as pets, parties, sports, heroes, food, games and others!
Answer Keys Provided
$1.50Buy Now
Grid art is a terrific way to practice using coordinates (A1) (D8) which is an important skill to master. Coordinates are a set of values that show an exact position which is used when graphing (Math) and reading maps (Geography). Your students will enjoy discovering the unknown, mystery picture…which happens to be a turkey!
$1.50Buy Now
Grid art is a terrific way to practice using coordinates (A1) (D8) which is an important skill to master. Coordinates are a set of values that show an exact position which is used when graphing (Math) and reading maps (Geography). Your students will enjoy discovering the unknown, mystery picture…which happens to be a mitten!
$1.50Buy Now
Help students practice and reinforce their knowledge of identifying coordinate graph values with this fun exercise. Students will be given a map of Africa with several animals scattered throughout the graph. They will be asked to identify the coordinate value where each animal can be found!
$1.50Buy Now
Here is a fun Math graphing activity that encompasses recycling! Use it as an activity when you want students to practice using tally marks and graphing or use it as an Earth Day activity.
$1.50Buy Now
Combine Math and Art with Butterfly Coordinate Math! Students are asked to find and color squares is specific coordinates and in the process create butterfly art with this product!
$1.75Buy Now
This is a Math and Geography Coordinate Activity!
Grid art is a terrific way to practice using coordinates (A1) (D8) which is an important skill to master.
Coordinates are a set of values that show an exact position which is used when graphing (Math) and reading maps (Geography). Your students will enjoy discovering the unknown, mystery picture…which happens to be Abraham Lincoln!
$3.25Buy Now
Looking for fun Winter Math activities? Check out my Snowman Graphing for 2nd and 3rd Grades unit. Your students will have fun creating unique ‘dressed’ snowmen.
May be used with a single student or an entire class (SEE DIRECTIONS BELOW). This has been created for 2nd and 3rd grades, however with a little adult help, younger students enjoy this fun activity and as they are introduced to bar graphing.