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$3.50Buy Now
This December (NO PREP) Packet is Christmas themed and filled with engaging and FUN resources that get kids excited about learning! Includes 30 students pages for an entire holiday month of skills review…See more details in description below!
$3.00Buy Now
Help students grow their vocabulary and practice Language Arts skills with this MLK – Martin Luther King, Jr. resource! Use as a standalone resource or as a springboard to further MLK study during the month of January or anytime.
- – Vocabulary Packet: 39 words
- – MLK Creative Writing assignment
- – Alphabetical Order
- – Scrambled Letters Worksheets
- – Word Search
$1.50Buy Now
This resource offers reading comprehension and discussion questions about the story and characters.
About the book (Not included):
By the Shores of Silver Lake by Laura Ingalls Wilder published in 1939, the fifth of nine books in her Little House series. It is based on a few years of her childhood when the Ingalls lived at Plum Creek near Walnut Grove, Minnesota, during the 1870s. The original dust jacket proclaimed, “The true story of an American pioneer family by the author of Little House in the Big Woods“. The novel was a Newbery Honor book in 1940.Interest Level: Grades 4 – 7 Reading Level: Grades 4 -6 -
$3.00Buy Now
A book from 1912 with the ins and outs of embroidery and weaving! It includes detailed information on the tools and materials needed, pattern designing, types of stitches (with illustrations) and much more! (227 pages)
$1.75Buy Now
Help students reinforce their knowledge of a.m. and p.m. when telling time with these practice worksheets!
$8.00Buy NowA 20-week course for girls and designed to help girls develop a healthy self-esteem and Godly character through the study of God’s Word.Includes:
Record sheet to keep an overall record of when each verse study was started and completed
20 Memory verses selected specifically for this study
Weekly Verse Journal worksheet (Day by Day study and reflection) for each verse: * Day 1: Write the Scripture * Day 2: Unfamiliar words work * Day 3: “In your own words, how you tell someone what the verse means” * Day 4: Plan to implement this truth in your own life * Day 5: Recite to an adult and both sign to show completion.
$3.00Buy Now
This resource, Christmas Coloring Book A-Z, will provide your kids with hours of fun leading up to the Holiday!
It includes 26 coloring pages (one page for each letter of the alphabet). Each page will show the ‘letter’, a word for that letter’ a coloring picture and a traceable words (such as “S is for Santa”).
$3.00Buy Now
Help your students understand and remember the basis of multiplying fractions using a visual model method! This product gives you 120 problems in which students will multiply a fraction with a whole number. For each problem students will be asked to color in given visual fraction models to find the answer. Then they are to write the answers using mixed numbers.
Product includes 10 worksheets (12 questions each) = 120 questions + answer keys.
$2.50Buy Now
This 5 page booklet will guide students through common minerals which are found in rock, rock textures and the major rock types: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.
$4.00Buy Now
Help your students learn and practice using new vocabulary words during March and April with a fun, Easter themed resource which contains a variety of Language Arts skills throughout including grammar, spelling, alphabetizing, using words in context, sentence writing and more. (Includes some differentiated activities)
$1.50Buy Now
There are 3 different posters – Each of the Hundreds Chart / Square with a cute animal theme.
$14.00Buy Now
This large (184 page) volume is filled with phonics learning! Students will concentrate on words with the following blends:
- scr
- sk
- sl
- sm
- sn
- sp
- spl
- spr
- st
- tr
This is Volume 2 of 2 – Get Volume 1 here!
Watch a combined preview of Volumes 1 and 2 here!
WAIT! BEFORE YOU PURCHASE…Did you know that if you become an All-Access member, this resource (and all resources) is $0.00? If you need several resources, you can save big by becoming an ALL-ACCESS MEMBER!
$3.00Buy Now
Studying the state of Oklahoma? Perhaps doing a unit on Ornithology? Check out this Notebooking set designed around the Oklahoma State Bird!
What type of pages are contained in this set:
– A map page (for the state)
– Scientific classification page
– A page for students to give details about the bird’s physical description, habitat, diet, life span and reproduction
– A page where students will do additional map work to show where in the U.S. the bird lives in addition to migration information
– Coloring page
– Several pages on which students can use for expository and/or creative writing as well as sections in which students may draw.14 pages in all and is designed for different levels / abilities.
$8.50Buy Now
When it is cold out and you want FUN, NO PREP lessons, this is the resource: Snow Themed / Winter Unit for Firsties!
This unit will provide you with a couple of months’ worth of learning activities!
- Language Arts Skills include reading comprehension, sentence sequencing, handwriting / copy work, snow vocabulary work, phonics (“sn” words), rhyming, poetry, punctuation (period, question mark or exclamation mark), complete sentence identification, noun or verb
- Math Skills: Symmetry, single digit addition and subtraction, even vs odd, number words, graphing, size comparison, telling time, counting money, greater than / less than
- Science: Learning about how snow forms and the five different types of crystals formed at various temperatures.
- Fine Motor Skills: Handwriting, Tracing, Drawing, Cutting and Pasting
$3.00Buy Now
This is a downloadable copy of the book.
About the book: Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon was published in 1881 and has also been published as The Giant Raft. Unlike many of his other novels, this story does not have any science fiction elements. It is an adventure novel. This novel involves how Joam Garral, a ranch owner who lives near the Peruvian-Brazilian border on the Amazon River, is forced to travel down-stream when his past catches up with him.About the Author: Jules Gabriel Verne was a French novelist, poet, and playwright. Verne is generally considered a major literary author in France and most of Europe, where he has had a wide influence on the literary avant-garde and on surrealism. Verne has been the second most-translated author in the world since 1979, ranking between Agatha Christie and William Shakespeare. He has sometimes been called the “Father of Science Fiction”
$2.00Buy Now
This phonics, learning to read resource will help students create words using 4 word wheels ( -ail -ake – ack – ain ). As students create new words, they can write each word on the included ‘Creating Words’ worksheet!
$3.50Buy Now
A book of stories of escaping slaves on the Underground Railroad. The stories themselves are written by the escaping slaves, bounty hunters, etc in the form of letters and correspondence. It is heartbreaking to read and uplifting at the same time. It is a worthwhile read for anyone who is acquainted with the Underground Railroad or who wants to get the story from the point of view of those who are not necessarily in the history books.
This is a large download (800+ pages)
$1.00Buy Now
Autumn / Fall Migration – Informational Text is a 5 page resource that will give students valuable information about the migration of many types of animals from around the world that migrate every Autumn.
Information in the text includes:
- What migration is
- What type of animals migrate (examples)
- Why animals migrate
- Which animal has the longest migration
- How animals find their way
After students read the one page of informational text, there are 3 additional student pages to answer questions (multiple choice, short answer and essay).
Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level: 5
$1.50Buy Now
This Science article teaches students facts about the monarch butterfly! This resource includes 2 pages of informational text and 3 student activity pages.
$3.00Buy Now
This is a downloadable copy of the book.
About the book: Written in 1897, it is a response to Edgar Allan Poe’s 1838 novel The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. It follows the adventures of the narrator and his journey from the Kerguelen Islands aboard Halbrane.About the Author: Jules Gabriel Verne was a French novelist, poet, and playwright. Verne is generally considered a major literary author in France and most of Europe, where he has had a wide influence on the literary avant-garde and on surrealism. Verne has been the second most-translated author in the world since 1979, ranking between Agatha Christie and William Shakespeare. He has sometimes been called the “Father of Science Fiction”