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Showing 181–200 of 791 resultsSorted by latest
$3.00Buy Now
Creating a classroom with a train theme? This 6 page download offers 10 different train themed desk toppers (also known has name plates) from which to choose! Use on student desks, cubbies or workboxes!
Size: If you print on legal size paper, the toppers will be 12 inches in width. If printing on standard letter size paper, set up printing to ‘shrink to fit’ and the desk toppers will be 9 inches.
$3.00Buy Now
Creating a classroom with an animal or tiger theme? Want classroom decor centered around tigers? This 6 page download offers 10 different tiger themed desk toppers (also known has name plates) from which to choose! Use on student desks, cubbies or workboxes!
Size: If you print on legal size paper, the toppers will be 12 inches in width. If printing on standard letter size paper, set up printing to ‘shrink to fit’ and the desk toppers will be 9 inches.
$3.00Buy Now
Creating a classroom with high seas / pirate theme? Want classroom decor centered around pirates? This 6 page download offers 10 different pirate themed desk toppers (also known has name plates) from which to choose! Use on student desks, cubbies or workboxes!
Size: If you print on legal size paper, the toppers will be 12 inches in width. If printing on standard letter size paper, set up printing to ‘shrink to fit’ and the desk toppers will be 9 inches.
$3.00Buy Now
Creating a classroom with an animal or zebra theme? Want classroom decor centered around zebras? This 6 page download offers 10 different zebra themed desk toppers (also known has name plates) from which to choose! Use on student desks, cubbies or workboxes!
Size: If you print on legal size paper, the toppers will be 12 inches in width. If printing on standard letter size paper, set up printing to ‘shrink to fit’ and the desk toppers will be 9 inches.
$3.00Buy Now
Creating a classroom with a circus or clown theme? Want classroom decor centered around a fun clowns? This 6 page download offers 10 different clown themed desk toppers (also known has name plates) from which to choose! Use on student desks or cubbies.
Size: If you print on legal size paper, the toppers will be 12 inches in width. If printing on standard letter size paper, set up printing to ‘shrink to fit’ and the desk toppers will be 9 inches.
$9.00Original price was: $9.00.$7.00Current price is: $7.00.I’ve bundled 3 of my products for students working with decimals! Resource #1 will help students understand equivalent fractions, decimals and percents. Resource #2 will have students working with decimal notation, location on a number line, digit value and relative value in relation to half. Resource #3 will give students a lot of practice adding and subtracting decimals and includes 100 word problems!
There are over 700 problems included in this bundle and a lot of work with visual models. Answer Keys are provided.
$6.99Buy Now
This 6:44 minute video product has been created to give BIOLOGY / ANATOMY / HEALTH students an overview of the human body’s circulatory system! Student will learn the major components of the system (names of major arteries and veins as well as parts of the exterior and interior of the heart) as well as the function of the heart, arteries, veins, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma.
$3.00Buy Now
High School Biology Notebook resource!
Students will learn all of the major parts of the brain including ventricles, cingulate gyrus, thalamus, hypothalamus, optic chiasm, pituitary gland, midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata, meninges, cerebral cortex, cerebrum, corpus callosum, pineal gland, cerebellum, occipital lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, frontal lobe
$8.00Buy Now
This February NO PREP packet is everything you’ll need for an entire month of Math review for 2nd and 3rd grades! This Valentine’s Day themed resource is jam packed with a variety of activities to get your students practicing and reinforcing important Math skills: addition, subtraction, multiplication, word problems, critical thinking, geometry, measurement, time, fractions and more.
Skills / Activities include:
- 2 digit addition (worksheets for ‘no carry’ and ‘carry’)
- 2 digit addition word problems
- 2 digit subtraction (worksheets for ‘no borrow’ and ‘borrowing’)
- Mixed addition/subtraction word problems (some worksheets designed in ‘test prep’ format)
- Find the missing addend and subtrahend worksheets
- 3 digit addition (worksheets for ‘no carry’ and ‘carry’)
- Even/Odd identification
- Roman numerals (I, V, X, L) – identification, conversion, addition
- Critical Thinking skill worksheets
- Order of Operations
- Place Value: Building 3 and 4 digit numbers / Expanding numbers
- Skip Counting by 50, 100, 250
- Rounding to the nearest 10 and nearest 100
- Telling time: nearest hour, half hour, 5 minutes and minutes
- Counting coins
- Fractions: identifying, comparing and naming
- Equivalent Fractions
- Multiplication: Writing equations
- Multiplication: 1-12
- Multiplication word problems
- Division word problems
- Measurement: Reading a ruler
- Geometry: Shape identification (cone, cube, pyramid, sphere, pentagon, rectangular prism
- Geometry: Vertices, faces, sides, edges
- Geometry: Finding the perimeter
$3.00Buy Now
A February craft resource, Valentine’s Day Card Templates, includes 15 different styles so that there are cards for everyone! Cute graphics for students to color, they’ll love being able to pick out different cards for their friends and family members. Easy to use…Just PRINT & GO!
$2.00Buy Now
Students will love creating their very own dreidel and then playing! A dreidel is a spinning top, with four sides, each marked with a different Hebrew letter (nun, gimel, hay and shin). The custom of playing dreidel on Hanukkah is based on a legend that, during the time of the Maccabees, when Jewish children were forbidden from studying Torah, they would defy the decree and study anyway. When a Greek official would come close they would put away their books and take out spinning tops, claiming they were just playing games.
$2.50Buy Now
4 Christmas themed Math worksheets for students to practice changing fractions into decimals.
- Worksheet #1
Fractions with denominators of 2, 4, 5 and 10 - Worksheet #2
Fractions with denominators of 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10 - Worksheet #3
Fractions with denominators of 10, 100 and 1000
(Highest fraction 694/1000) - Worksheet #4
Fractions with denominators of 10, 100 and 1000
(Will include mixed fractions – example: 3337/1000)
Answer Keys provided.
- Worksheet #1
$1.50Buy Now
If you are searching for holiday related vocabulary to use for language or writing activities, here are 20 words, all New Year’s Eve – celebration oriented!
Terms include: Auld Lang Syne, balloons, calendar, celebrate, clock confetti, countdown, eve, extravaganza, festivities, firecrackers, happy, hourglass, January, memories, midnight noisemaker, party, resolution, year
$1.00Buy Now
Fun New Year’s puzzle – Get your students thinking as they see how many words they can make out of the phrase “Happy New Year”!
I’ve included both a color and b/w version of the worksheet. If you’d like to create a fun word center, print and laminate a few copies of the color version and let students use wipe off markers. If you’d like to give students their own copies, use the black/white version.
The worksheet includes space for up to 30 words. If students can produce more, have them write them on the back.
Want to make it even more fun? See how many points students can earn by assigning a point value for the number of letters each word contains! After students complete the worksheet, have them ‘add up’ their points to see how many they’ve earned!
$2.25Buy Now
Designed to use in December and around the Christmas holiday, this resource is for 2nd and 3rd grade students to practice an important Language Arts / Reading skill – Finding the main idea! This resource includes 4 days of practice and can be used in centers, for morning work, homework or place in a sub-folder!
$0.50Buy Now
Designed specifically for homeschooling parents needing to keep detailed educational records.
$3.00Buy Now
15 Christmas themed Math worksheets for students to practice and show their understanding of equivalent fractions! Answer Keys provided
Resource includes:
- 10 worksheets requiring students to reduce a fraction to the lowest equivalent fraction
- 3 worksheets asking students to choose the equivalent fraction from a given set
- 2 worksheets where students are to complete a pattern by writing in the missing equivalent fraction.
$2.50Buy Now
Add some literary device spice into your Christmas lesson plans with this set of analogy worksheets inspired by Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. This product includes 5 worksheets: 3 short answer (with word banks) and 2 multiple choice. Answer Keys provided
$1.50Buy Now
In this informational text lesson, students will learn about Christmas carol, Silent Night, which is one of the world’s most well-known Christmas songs. Written in 1816 by an Austrian priest named Father Josef Mohr, it has since been translated into more than 140 different languages and was even sung as part of the ‘Christmas Truce’ during World War I in 1914. Historic facts like these are included in this informational text.
After students read the text, they will:
1. Complete a short comprehension worksheet.
2. Write an opinion essay (choosing to write their opinion that answers one of two given questions). -
$4.00Buy Now
This Winter writing and grammar resource has a snow globe theme and has four different levels for students of different abilities. In this Language Arts product, all four levels require students to write and two of the levels add Grammar. Students will be asked to use their imaginations and be creative!
Level 1: Color the picture and write about the picture. (slightly larger lines for writing than the next three)
Level 2: Color and write a short story inspired by the snow globe picture.
Level 3: Color. Write three words that describe (adjectives). Write 3 sentences using the adjectives.
Level 4: Color. Write a noun that names what is in the picture. Using their imagination, they are asked to write a verb tell what is happening. Then they are to write a story about the picture keeping in mind the verb they wrote.Each level has 7 designs. One design is blank in which students are to draw their own picture in the snow globe before proceeding with the rest of the activity.