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$40.50Original price was: $40.50.$35.00Current price is: $35.00.3rd Grade Math Complete is an 8 unit program that covers all of the important skills and concepts typically covered in 3rd grade. Each unit includes the student and teacher edition. This resource can be used within a classroom setting, co-op or with individual students. Because it can be used within a group setting, you’ll find many activities for students to complete in pairs of 2. If you are homeschooling multiple children close in age, it would be easy to adapt and teach students together. If you are homeschooling a single child, you can easily adapt these activities through your one-on-one interaction!
You do not need to use the entire program if you are only wanting to focus on one or a few specific Math skills and concepts. If this is the case, you can purchase each unit separately.
- – Unit 1: Intro to Multiplication
- – Unit 2: Geometry: Area, Arrays and Multiplication
- – Unit 3: Reviewing Addition & Subtraction within 1,000
- – Unit 4: Relating Multiplication and Division
- – Unit 5: Fractions – Number Lines, Equivalent & Comparing
- – Unit 6: Measurement – Length, Time, Volume & Weight
- – Unit 7: Geometry – 2 Dimensional Shapes, Area & Perimeter
- – Unit 8: Review of 3rd Grade Skills & Concepts
$5.00Buy Now
In this unit, students revisit major work and fluency of 3rd grade math skills and concepts including comparing, adding, and subtracting fractions, multiplying and dividing within 1,000, and using the standard algorithm to add and subtract multi-digit numbers.
Includes: Student and Teacher Editions
Size: 256 pages -
$5.00Buy Now
In this unit, students reason about attributes of two-dimensional shapes, calculate area and learn about perimeter. Students learn to classify broader categories of shapes (quadrilaterals and triangles) into more specific sub-categories based on their attributes. For instance, they study examples and non-examples of rhombuses, rectangles, and squares, and come to recognize their specific attributes. Students also expand their knowledge about attributes that can be measured. In this unit, students learn the meaning of perimeter and find the perimeter of shapes. They consider geometric attributes of shapes (such as opposite sides having the same length) that can help them find perimeter. As the lessons progress, they consider situations that involve perimeter, and then those that involve both perimeter and area. These lessons aim to distinguish the two attributes (which are commonly confused) and reinforce that perimeter measures length or distance (in length units) and area measures the amount of space covered by a shape (in square units). At the end of the unit, students solve problems in a variety of contexts. They apply what they learn about geometric attributes of shapes, perimeter, and area, to design a park, a West African wax print pattern, and a robot. They then solve problems within the context of their design.
Includes: Student and Teacher Editions
Size: 318 pages -
$5.00Buy Now
In this unit, students encounter the concept of area, relate the area of rectangles to multiplication, and solve problems involving area. Students make sense of another attribute of shapes: a measure of how much a shape covers. They begin informally, by comparing two shapes and deciding which one covers more space. Later, they compare more precisely by tiling shapes with pattern blocks and square tiles. Students then focus on the area of rectangles. They notice that a rectangle tiled with squares forms an array, with the rows and columns as equal-size groups. This observation allows them to connect the area of rectangles to multiplication—as a product of the number of rows and number of squares per row. To transition from counting to multiplying side lengths, students reason about area using increasingly more abstract representations. They begin with tiled or gridded rectangles, move to partially gridded rectangles or those with marked sides, and end with rectangles labeled with their side lengths. Students also learn some standard units of area—square inches, square centimeters, square feet, and square meters—and solve real-world problems involving area of rectangles. Later in the unit, students find the area and missing side lengths of figures composed of non-overlapping rectangles.
Includes: Student and Teacher Editions
Size: 306 pages -
$45.00Original price was: $45.00.$35.00Current price is: $35.00.2nd Grade Math Complete is a 9 unit program that covers all of the important skills and concepts typically covered in 2nd grade. Each unit includes the student and teacher edition. This resource can be used within a classroom setting, co-op or with individual students. Because it can be used within a group setting, you’ll find many activities for students to complete in pairs of 2. If you are homeschooling multiple children close in age, it would be easy to adapt and teach students together. If you are homeschooling a single child, you can easily adapt these activities through your one-on-one interaction!
You do not need to use the entire program if you are only wanting to focus on one or a few specific Math skills and concepts. If this is the case, you can purchase each unit separately.
- – Unit 1: Adding & Subtracting + Working with Data
- – Unit 2: Adding & Subtracting within 100
- – Unit 3: Measuring (Length)
- – Unit 4: Working with Number Lines
- – Unit 5: Working with Numbers to 1,000
- – Unit 6: Shapes, Time and Money
- – Unit 7: Adding & Subtracting to 1,000
- – Unit 8: Arrays: Even/Odd, Geometry & Multiplication Readiness
- – Unit 9: Review: 2nd Grade Level Skills & Concepts
$4.50Buy Now
In this unit, students revisit major work and fluency goals of the grade, applying their learning from the year. Section A gives students a chance to solidify their fluency with addition and subtraction within 20. In section B, students apply methods they used with smaller numbers to add and subtract numbers within 100. In the final section, students interpret, solve, and write story problems involving numbers within 100, which further develop their fluency with addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers. They work with all problem types with the unknown in all positions.
Includes: Student and Teacher Editions
Size: 233 pages -
$6.00Buy Now
In this unit, students transition from place value and numbers to geometry, time, and money. They continue to look at attributes of a variety of shapes and see that shapes can be identified by the number of sides and vertices (corners). Students then study three-dimensional (solid) shapes, and identify the two-dimensional (flat) shapes that make up the faces of these solid shapes. Next, students look at ways to partition shapes and create equal shares. They extend their knowledge of halves and fourths (or quarters) from grade 1 to now include thirds. As they develop the language of fractions, students also recognize that a whole can be described as 2 halves, 3 thirds, or 4 fourths, and that equal-size pieces of the same whole need not have the same shape. Later, students use their understanding of halves and fourths (or quarters) to tell time. To continue to build fluency with addition and subtraction within 100, students conclude the unit with a money context.
Includes: Student and Teacher Editions
Size: 501 pages -
$2.00Buy Now
This unit is designed to build on unit 1 as student explore the concept of area and relate the area of rectangles to multiplication as well as solving area problems. Students also learn some standard unit of area such as square inches, square centimeters, square feet and square meters as they solve real-world problems! By the end of the unit, students find the area and missing side lengths of figures composed on non-overlapping rectangles.
This resource includes both student and teacher materials.
Number of Lessons: 13 and 2 optional
Lesson Time: Approximately 60 minutes. Please note that each lesson is designed for one instructional block, and may be divided into shorter or longer segments based on teacher pacing and student needs.
View a short preview video hereSee description below for more details.
$3.50Buy Now
Teach students the names and attributes of ten 3D shapes. Students will also be asked to distinguish between 2D and 3D shapes with this resource! Shapes include the cube, sphere, cone, rectangular prism, triangular prism, hexagonal prism, pentagonal prism, pyramid, cylinder, hemisphere
What you get in the resource:
- – 5 worksheets asking students to distinguish between 2D and 3D shapes
- – 5 worksheets teaching students the names of 3D shapes. Students will also write the names
- – 5 worksheets on which students will be given the names and 3D shapes and asked to draw each
- – 2 worksheets asking students to identify an attribute (faces)
- – 2 worksheets asking students to identify an attribute (corner / vertices)
- – 2 worksheets asking students to identify an attribute (edges)
- – 4 worksheets where students will match 3D shapes with their names
- – Answer Keys
$7.25Original price was: $7.25.$6.25Current price is: $6.25.Bundle and SAVE! This bundle will give you 22 colorful shape posters for your classroom bulletin board or a Math center.
What you get:
- 2D shape posters set: circle, diamond, heart, hexagon, kite, octagon, oval, parallelogram, pentagon, rhombus, square, star, trapezoid and triangle
- 3D shape poster set: cone, pyramid, cube, prism, cylinder, sphere
- Polygon family tree set: Poster #1 Polygons: triangle pentagon, heptagon, quadrilateral, hexagon, octagon
$2.50Buy Now
Math Skills Practice Workbook has been designed to review and practice 3rd grade skills. These skills include addition, subtraction, money, comparing numbers, telling time, and identifying polygons.
Includes 10 student worksheets + answer keys
$1.50Buy Now
Help students learn and remember the difference between regular and irregular shapes by displaying this classroom poster!
$3.00Buy Now
In geometry, students need to be able to identify a variety of irregular shapes! Here are 10 worksheets for students to practice identifying the following shapes:
- – quadrilateral
- – pentagon
- – hexagon
- – nonagon
- – heptagon
- – octagon
- – decagon
Answer Keys included.
$2.25Buy Now
Decorate your classroom with these 6 colorful Math posters showing 3D shapes! Shapes include: cone, pyramid, cube, prism, cylinder, sphere
$8.00Buy Now
This February NO PREP packet is everything you’ll need for an entire month of Math review for 2nd and 3rd grades! This Valentine’s Day themed resource is jam packed with a variety of activities to get your students practicing and reinforcing important Math skills: addition, subtraction, multiplication, word problems, critical thinking, geometry, measurement, time, fractions and more.
Skills / Activities include:
- 2 digit addition (worksheets for ‘no carry’ and ‘carry’)
- 2 digit addition word problems
- 2 digit subtraction (worksheets for ‘no borrow’ and ‘borrowing’)
- Mixed addition/subtraction word problems (some worksheets designed in ‘test prep’ format)
- Find the missing addend and subtrahend worksheets
- 3 digit addition (worksheets for ‘no carry’ and ‘carry’)
- Even/Odd identification
- Roman numerals (I, V, X, L) – identification, conversion, addition
- Critical Thinking skill worksheets
- Order of Operations
- Place Value: Building 3 and 4 digit numbers / Expanding numbers
- Skip Counting by 50, 100, 250
- Rounding to the nearest 10 and nearest 100
- Telling time: nearest hour, half hour, 5 minutes and minutes
- Counting coins
- Fractions: identifying, comparing and naming
- Equivalent Fractions
- Multiplication: Writing equations
- Multiplication: 1-12
- Multiplication word problems
- Division word problems
- Measurement: Reading a ruler
- Geometry: Shape identification (cone, cube, pyramid, sphere, pentagon, rectangular prism
- Geometry: Vertices, faces, sides, edges
- Geometry: Finding the perimeter
$3.00Buy Now
This resource provides 7 different Spring-themed images for students to use as patterns for their pattern blocks. All images are given in both color and b/w. (See description below for more information)
How do Pattern Blocks help students? As their name suggests, pattern blocks are used to create, identify, and extend patterns. Students use the many relationships among the pieces to explore fractions, angles, transformations, patterning, symmetry, and measurement! One fun activity for younger students to do with pattern blocks is to create pictures with them.
$1.75Buy Now
Here are three Math Geometry posters (polygon family trees) to display in your classroom! These will be a great visual addition to help introduce the relationships between shapes and shape vocabulary.
- Poster #1 Polygons will show: triangle pentagon, heptagon, quadrilateral, hexagon, octagon,
- Poster #2 Triangles will show: acute (scalene, isosceles, equilateral), obtuse (scalene, isosceles), right (scalene, isosceles)
- Poster #3 Quadrilaterals will show parallelograms (rhombuses, rectangles, squares), non-parallelograms (trapezoids, trapeziums, kites)
$3.25Buy Now
Decorate your Math classroom with 14 colorful 2D shape posters! Shapes include: circle, diamond, heart, hexagon, kite, octagon, oval, parallelogram, pentagon, rhombus, square, star, trapezoid and triangle
$1.00Buy Now
These two worksheets will ask student to identify the following shapes by picture and description: cube, cylinder, cuboid, cone, sphere
$3.99Buy Now
This Winter & Christmas Pattern Block Unit will be a perfect addition to your classroom activities! Create a fun, themed differentiated Math activity (or center) using this unit because I have provided 3 different types of pattern mats to accommodate different learning levels:
- Color patterns with lines
- BW patterns with lines
- BW outline only patterns